Saint Leslie
Saint Leslie is sitting next to Saint Joanie.
Saint Leslie took one look at the sweater that done me wrong and said,
"Give it to me, I'll unravel it"
She meant it too.
Saint Leslie knows here way around the yarn unravel.
Only a real pal says that to you.
Saint Joanie only knits for charity.
My friend, Saint Karen is going to be very upset if I leave her out of this.
Saint Karen is my patro saint of technology.
If you have a phone that won't ring right or an app issue, Saint Karen is the one to talk to- and she'll stick to it until she fixes it. And she's nice about it.
Okay St. Kathy C. I cannot leave you out or Saint Carol.
St. Kathy is the patron saint of trains and bat winged design sweaters.
Saint Carol, is the vacation Saint.
She loves vacation. She lives for vacation. She'll even find you a vacation...
The Saints really do live among us!
Love the "ravel" photo. Now, that's a saint!
I'm known as the patron saint of tangled up necklace chains. I have a way of working out the tightest knots.