Brought To You by the Letter 'C"

C is for Crocs. 
Al's croc shoes....
cute cute cute
Channon said so -

C is for Cure
This pink Mask was in C'ville

C is for cowls
Cozy cozy cowls

C is most surely for CAT
This cat was also in C'ville
and he was Content to live outside the vineyard  
and an aside: The Caught Cat was not Christine's cat...
it was a feral traced to Waukegan. 
A Cat astrophe...
Christine was crying....

C is for conquer.  
Remember all those years I couldn't fly?
Now I Can do ...
can do....

C is for comments.....gotcha!


C is for Cleaver:)
Katherine said…
I'm so proud of your flying accomplishments. I am just the opposite--I flew for many years and now I can't any longer. I guess a couple of close calls will do that to a person. Hope your continued flying is cat-astrophe free!

So sorry about the cat mix-up! It hurts to lose a pet but when a ringer slips in, that really is hurtful.

Love the cowls and crocs.
Donna Boucher said…
Creative, comforting, charming and charitable .... That's you!!!
Judy S. said…
You forgot Cathy spelled with a "K"! That's a bummer about the cat. Max and the rest of the GK love their crocs.
Unknown said…
LOL. Good post for spreading smiles!
knitterbeader said…
Cute post!
Ingrid K. said…
Hi Kathy!
Lovely cowls!!!! <3
Ingrid xx
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry that Christine did not get her cat back. Hopefully she will soon.
Al's Crocs ARE adorable.
Nancy said…
Couldn't conjure, capture, or concoct catchy "C"s, so I'll just marvel at your prose! Nicely done!
Meredith said…
I am not even going to try a C = word. So sorry for your friend that the kitty was not the one she was looking for. So glad you had a wonderful trip with Al, and I love her crocs.
elns said…
Those are crocs? I'm impressed. They are very cute, indeed!

Also, you are so Creative with your posts Kathy. Always a good visit over here.

That picture of the cowls is really really inviting! I have to control my desire to knit one. hehe. And good on you for conquering the flying fear. The world is your oyster Kathy, enjoy it.
Araignee said…
Love Crocs, love cowls, love cats. Hate sad cat ending. Hate the idea of flying. Never have. Never will.
SissySees said…
Oh I wish I'd known about that mask sooner! I have a lovely, ivory one for tomorrow night, but that one in the window is a show-stopper... and pink and green is soooo me!

C is for charity. The wine gala is tomorrow evening. Can't wait.

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