A Fish and A Frog and a Turtle on a Log

1. Let friends' take you out on their boat. 
2. Eat sandwiches before you touch worm bait.
3. Leave your watch at home.
4. Admire that Big Large Mouth Bass before you (collectively)  release him.
5. Measure the bass, too.  (19 inches) 
6. Tell that guy he's the best fisherman you know.
7. Frog that chunky yarn hat.
8. Sun yourself like a turtle on a log. 
9. Count your blessings twice.
10.  Sleep sound and feel the rock of the boat in your mind. 

Did I leave anything out? 


Judy S. said…
Sounds perfect to me although why did you frog? It looks like pretty yarn!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Sounds pretty perfect to me too. One of the best things in the world is a FRIEND with a boat.
Nancy said…
Catch and release - what was on the dinner menu?
Meredith said…
Love this post, your day was perfect. Maybe bring some wine?
Tanna said…
Hard to think of much that would be missing from this day... I'm with Meredith... maybe wine. ;) But, why did you frog that cute hat??? blessings ~ tanna
Araignee said…
Cake. Where's the cake? You always make me want cake. Everything else was just perfect.
kathy b said…
Oh yes wine and cake. > You friends have great ideas. What kind of wine? a light grapefruit sauvignon blanc….
called Massimo NEw Zealand Marlboro…mmmmchilled.
NOW THATS perfect
It sounds like a great day! Thank you for stopping by my blog too. xx

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