It's a Bear
I think working out is a Bear…..
I don't look forward to it.
I love when it is over.
I usually go on our elliptical machine with my headphones on, and push through.
For all the time I sit knitting I have to do some workouts to balance my day.
I rarely workout they days I go to work.
I should though…
Here are some of my workout songs:
Please suggest others!
*Queen Bicycle Race
*Queen Fat Bottomed Girls
*Call Me Maybe
*Lumineers: Ho Hey
*F.U.N. Some Nights
*Rhianna Mr. DJ
*Lady Gaga Applause
*Neon Trees: Everybody Talks
*Talking Heads: Burning Down the House
I hate working out too, but after I'm done ... I feel like I could conquer ANYTHING!
so I jumped on my norkic trak ski machine-that I have had for ages and ages and started to do that this morning-
physical exercise is so important too even more so as we get older I think, I find myself in allot more pain now from sewing or anything I am doing-I have never used music I just do it
Just keep going. It's a pain in the ass, but we have to do our maintenance and I'm with Dee, I always feel SO good afterwards. I have a hard time doing the things that aren't fun like upper body strength and things that require abdominal work, like groan ... crunches. i want to vomit, just typing the word.