Ten on Tuesday: Ten Things I Always Bring On Vacaton
Today I'm joining Carole's Ten on Tuesday Prompt:
1. Steady Shot Camera with Panoramic setting
2. Iphone (I was the last to join that party)
3. Medications: you'd think I was a pharmacy.
I bring all the what ifs along with me....
but I'm gettting better .....I tell myself
"there's a Walgreens on every corner"
4. Snacks for the room. Last trip it was a box of Cliff bars.
We always eat them up. We have never come home with leftovers.
5. Knitting. Always. No matter the trip theme
6. Chargers for 1. and 2.
7. A watch. Fireman depends on me to wear a watch. He asks me many times during each trip, What time is it?
He's usually driving and not able to get at his phone easily for the time feature.
8. My grandmother's Mass card. It is always in my wallet.
9. Floss, because I'm lost without floss.
10. Make up....always.
I added an eleventh ...its the first comment of the day...my own!
I added an eleventh ...its the first comment of the day...my own!
THe doctors phone number.
Son once hit his head so hard falling on vacation, he had a goose egg on his forehead for a week
Same son BIT, yes bit his sister on vacation when he was a toddler. that warranted antibiotics...
hee hee
I went on an overseas trip with my father about 8 yrs ago and I brought 5 projects with me. We went by boat as I am unable to fly. I finished all but one project.
I always toy with the idea of leaving my phone at home but it really isn't safe to be without one. I have been called by clients when I was Anywhere USA!
I also bring snacks, though I usually bring more than we eat, so we bring some home.