Irisheyesknitters Learning Curves

I do realize these pocket slippers look like a Bra lined up next to one another.  I just wanted to show that I've finished the pair. 
They stretch and they feel great. 
All of you who told me to weave in ends on the diagonal are, well You are Genius.   I never knew.....
and it worked.  
I knit up this man's hat in a few hours on Saturday.  We've a bit of a bug going around the house.   Fireman says there is a bug going around the Firehouses....
the good news is we all ought to be well in a week, for Christmas.  So I have been laying low and resting up. 
I have finished 3 hats that the Men in our house can choose from next week.  
I'm late the party with this artist....I like this girl's voice. 
She has some cute non-traditional songs in this collection.  I prefer the traditional songs this time of year.  I am new to Pandora.   I love Pandora!  How does it know what I'm going to like????   

One more new thing on my learning horizon: 

Flight Tracker.  Zach came home from studying abroad in Mexico on Saturday.  I had never used Flight Tracker before. 
It was great fun to check on his flight's status on the radar screen.  

So, Diagonal weaving in ends, Pandora and Flight Tracker.....
that's what is new here.  Have you learned anything new lately???


Nancy said…
The flu is hitting this area, too. I'm hoping to keep out of its path.

I've learned that gingerbread houses are fun to decorate if I have enough icing, that it's easier to purchase Christmas cookies than to bake them, and that it feels good to finish a difficult project.
Celia said…
Me and Lydie had a stomach bug. It has been really nasty.

I was thinking those socks looked like shoulder pads from the 80s.
Meredith said…
Sorry you have a bug, it must be going around blog land too. Can you catch it through your computer? So glad your boy is home safe and sound. That is the best Christmas present of all!
Hugs to you sick friend,
Gracie Saylor said…
Be well soon! I had forgotten...relearned? about the diagonal end tucking from reading your comments :) Thanks ! xx from Gracie
Katherine said…
Love, love, love Pandora!! I keep it going most of the time and especially at Christmas because I can get all those wonderful Mannheim Steamroller tunes with no trouble.

You are tempting me with the slippers again! I will knit them!!
Pumpkin said…
You finished a hat? You've been so much more productive than I have knitting-wise. I like FlightAware, I use it to watch my dad when he flies himself somewhere or know when someone's flight is delayed on a commercial flight. It is also fun to watch the air traffic around a big airport.
KSD said…
Those pocket slippers ARE genius, aren't they?
SissySees said…
I've learned - AGAIN - that my car pretends it is out of fuel when I park in my usual spot and the low fuel light is on. I've also learned that the Knight is a patient man, who will leave the firehouse to come to my rescue.

Judy S. said…
I learned about this coold slipper pattern, thanks!!! And we went to see the King Tut exhibit today; they were amazing craftsmen so long ago!
fancystitching said…
I'm not understanding how the pocket slippers work. Could you post a picture of them on some feet so I can "get" it? Then I could say THAT was something I learned today!
Alyssa said…
I hope you feel better! I got my flu shot for the first time this year, and I still got a bit of a cold three times so far. I had a bug last week where I felt like I had a cold then threw up really badly for a short while, then nauseous for a day, then done. It was the strangest thing, but at my knitting circle lots of people were saying that they had it too!
kathy b said…

i sent you an email with the image of 12/13 s post enclosed. :) I have one of the slippers on my foot and finished that day. They are so easy and functional. I will be making more.

:) :)
Nicole said…
I am still laughing about the slippers looking like a bra and the comment that you "finished a pair". Probably not intended, but a very needed smile this morning. Thank you!

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