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Sometimes simpler is better. This lovely Scandinavian style Nostepinne can be yours. I bought one for myself too, from Craftiness' Etsy Shop.
Sometimes a handwritten letter beats an email.
Sometimes the radio is just fine to "WATCH" a ballgame with
Sometimes Stick shift driving just beats automatic transmission for fun
Sometimes peanut butter and jelly beats Lean Cuisine
Sometimes Water beats all
Sometimes instinct beats technology
Sometimes a walk beats a race
Sometimes winding your own yarn beats waiting at the shop
So leave me a comment on this post only, by March 19th, the last day of Winter here.
Tell me when simpler is better for you.....
and you just might win this lovely handmade Nostepinne
Too many cooks can spoil the supper, a meeting and all sorts of things. Sometimes, a few minds are better than a bunch.
Something I'm still working on... sometimes a short answer is best.
Food. Almost without fail, I'll take a simple meal with a few, fine ingredients over something fussy and hard to prepare.
simple is yesterday forgetting to pack lunch for work and having leftover crackers with a tin of tuna
Committees often get bogged down because they become obsessed with the complex when the answer is often very simple. We, as a society, tend to "over think" things.
I have no idea what a Nostepinne is but it looks worth Googling - I think Scandinavia or something to do with spinning or winding yarn! I am learning all over again about knitting since I resumed my old childhood hobby a few years back. I am loving it now. Wish I had more time but working fulltime as a public health nurse in the community cuts into knitting time!
Catherine. (I'm on Ravelry as LismoreLady)
My first coffee of the morning at home is so much better than a fancy coffee later in the day ;)
I have found this out from being around my nieces and nephews.
Great post!