Happy Autumn, Happy Space Debris


Well I don't know about you, but if I'm going out by space debris, I'm going out knitting....
Looks like it will either be dishrag knitting or finishing Zach's hat. The Mother in me feels he ought to have the new hat in the event that the space debris does me in....so I should be finishing that tonight. Yet I feel the strange pull of the dishrag knit bug again.....darn that Dishrag Tag anyhow. Hat. Dishrag. Hat. Dishrag. Mother guilt......space debris.....space debris....lottery odds.......
uh oh. What if I won the lottery only to have space debris take me out???



Celia said…
You and I will be in knitting heaven together.
kathy b said…
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Lynn said…
I say knit on the hat. If you get struck by space debris while knitting on said hat, what mom/brownie points you get!!!!
kathy b said…
Awww, that's a great comment , we will be knitting in heaven one day eh?
Katherine said…
Oh please don't even joke about the space debris!! I have been worried about it since they first announced it. Now they are saying it "probably" will not come near North America. Well, probably just isn't good enough for me! I do, however, like the idea of knitting in heaven with friends. Just not yet!!

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