Would you....
Would you be able to grow these lilies like my neighbor has?
Would you believe I am still knitting lace? My lace scarf is soothing, light and a delight.
Would you attempt to knit a pattern up in a different language? Ravelry has a blu cardigan di elen a l.tiff that really interests me.....
Now knowing how difficult it is for me to follow a pattern in ENGLISH, I think I'd best try to find a comparable, don't you? I've never even cooked using a pattern in a different language.
I was at a dinner party with neighbors and Fireman the other day. The guests were from Israel and were delightful. The husband spoke some English, the wife very little. The thing was she smiled so much and was so deeply interested understanding that, the little charades we worked out filled the gap.
She was so excited to see fireflies in our yard.......
And we spoke a common language afterall, she has a love of cats. Imagine her delight when I showed her Pippa's six kittens in my house....
The deer ate all of my lilies. AGAIN.
I could never grow those lilies. I can't grow anything except weeds!! I'm good with weeds.
2. Yes.
3. Uh NO!
4. Yes, the international language of PURR>.......
and who won the contest?
Isn't it funny about people --- doesn't matter who or where --- we have more commonalities than differences. Kittens could bring the whole world together in peace. Maybe that's what we need to do --- give every world leader a kitten.
It's funny that you called it a pattern instead of a recipe. There must be a whole lot of knitting going on at your house.
Ravelry has a forum devoted to pattern translation if you are on there and need some help.
Love the lace!