The culprit

I have racked my Hungarian brain. This Irish seaweed FUCUS skin bath treatment...... is the culprit. I am nearly certain it caused my hives.....This Hungarian should know better...


Anonymous said… me hives just thinking about it. YIKES!

What is it supposed to do?
Karen said…
Yikes, I'm not sure I woulda touched it. It looks like there's a rodent in there. :(
Karezybear said…
I bet your right. That looks NASTY. Darling, Whatever were you thinking?
Beverly said…
Looks gross and you are probably right! I went swimming in Lake Murray, a really large man-made lake in SC, which was full or hydrilla and had to get out of the water due to hives all over my thighs and legs. You have to be really careful with stuff like that.

Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's safe for everyone.

I forget to tell you earlier that "Cold Sheep" isn't my term. It's a stashbusting group on Ravelry. So far no yarn, other than some for dyeing in December, since September maybe earlier than that.
Jennifer said…
Yikes - that's scary. Do you have a seafood allergy? Maybe it's related? I'm glad you found the culprit.
kathy b said…
I dont have any seafood allergies....good thought though Jennifer. Bev, you are right, natural isn't always good for us!
Do you know how good an ice cube feels on a rash....ahhhhhhh
kathy b said…

You are hysterical..... a rodent in there! ahhhhhh!
Celia said…
Looks like it! Sorry about the hives.
Grace said…
Just the name spells disaster Fuc us?

My word verification is redness!

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