Calendar says '11 but we are stuck on 10
The Cubs have this little gut wrenching slogan this spring: The calendar say 11 but we are stuck on 10. For those of you who don't get it, it means the year is 2011 be we are stuck on number 10 , Ron Santo. Sweet huh? So we can have a few more heart pangs....I guess .. Aren't we sad enough?
No major League Stitch N Pitch planned for the Cubs again this year.......bummer. But if you are in Daytona on April 23rd you can Stitch n Pitch at the Daytona Cubs minor league game....
I may have to go to Milwaukee for the Brewer's Stitch n Pitch game on June 21st........
so I'm hungry for baseball......and it is only February! Until April I will have to keep knitting to Blackhawk's hockey games....and an occasional Bull's game.....
Are you a sports knitter?
However, today I'll be knitting to NASCAR! While I'm not really a big fan anymore I guess you HAVE to watch the Daytona 500 when you only live a little ways away from Daytona. LOL
But I can make an exception for the Tour de France :-)
Now Fireman is your fan b/c he loves the Tour de France!