
Showing posts from June, 2010

A Toe Tale

Some knitting to show for. I finished the Opal superwash socks last night. I opted to let them be sisters, not identical twins. I think they will be very fun for whoever gets to wear them. I liked the yarn because it was not prone to splitting. When I got to the finish of the toe yesterday, I had my usual issue. I like a 3 needle bind off. I don't know why but I can knit a sock really well and mess it up on the last 16 stitches. When I turned it back to right side out, there were a few loose stitches. at at the toe seam ......argh. I had visiions of just ripping back the toe close, or ripping back to the start of the toe decreases, and worst case ripping the entire sock out . Somehow I carefully, slowly and very deliberately concentrated my way to success. I went back a few rows from the bind off, and managed to pick up the stitches well enough to bind off again. Second time success. Up next: more summer sox. Friend Karen likes the way WeNDY happy knits up. The price...

Don't miss Grace's contest

I talk more in the comments! Grace at is having a wonderful easy contest open until June 30th. You could win some great prizes. Good luck. I will enter soon too. I hope she gets many many fun entries. Still working on my cocoa/blue socks. I have to go turn the heel on the second sock now. :)

A sock amid the chaos

It has been a bit chaotic here, but I have managed to knit another sock. I hope to start the match tonight. I am using Opal Superwash in the Color Forbe 2715. This yarn is very easy to knit with because it has some stretch from the 25% poly. I have considered trying to get to the same point in the yarn to start the second sock, but have decided they are just as cute when not matched. I hate to waste the yarn that would be involved in matching. I feel like there hasn't been too much in my control lately, so it is good to make my own choice in this simple matter. Even the tiniest amount of control helps! Have a great Thursday. I talk more in the comments!

Ring around the nosey

I don't have a knitting photo for you yet. My New Opal Sock colorway in brown and blues is a big hit with me. I love the way it is knitting up. Tonight during the Hawks game, I'll be working on the gusset of the first sock. Have you heard of FreeCycle? I'm probably the last to know, but just in case I'll share it with you. It is a site that you can list something you don't care to have and don't want to try selling, for someone to come and take. You leave it on your doorstep and the next thing you know it is gone. There was a FreeCycle event right near Al's place last weekend. She picked up a copy of FolkSocks. For free. :) I think I was happier when she told me that find, than if she'd told me she found anything else. Fireman is slowly better, but we need more patience here. Some restrictions will be lifted in just 6 more days. Whose counting? Today's thereapy for him is the movie Breaking Away. He loves that flick. No sooner had he s...

My sister's socks finished

Yeah. I completed something. During this pair I learned that I can pick up dropped purl stitches and survive on my own . I learned that you don't always know who you are knitting for when you cast on..... I picked up an Interweave issue from Spring '10. I read with interest the Nancy Bush interview about her love of socks. She is so historic about it. It is a neat slant. I was going to read the article on demystifying the kitchener stitch, but I thumbed through the several page article and thought......if they need this many pages...I think I'll skip it. I love a good 3 needle toe bind off. NOW, to watch the Hawks and start on my new Opal socks in blue and brown self striping pattern. I love yarn that entertains me. Are you rooting for the Hawks out of sympathy for Chicago teams pathetic history? I'm just happy they are keeping Fireman entertained as he recoups. He is getting better everyday .....hooray. I talk more in the comments!

Almost ready to show some knitting

But not yet....sorry. I am hoping to sit and knit tonight because I want to finish the pair of socks I am working on. I decided to show them to my sister. She said she loved the colors, so I told her I had her in mind for them. She was genuinely happy. Next up is the self-striping blue and brown Opal skein. Here our little green garden. This patch has been a hard working vegetable garden in the past. It moved on to a stunning wildflower patch. Now it is just hostas and ferns with a few flower pots. Mostly maintenance free. With Fireman recovering and Cricket training and a busy busy few weeks, I am glad for the easy garden. :) What are you glad for that is easy on you? I talk more in the comments!