My sister's socks finished

Yeah. I completed something. During this pair I learned that I can pick up dropped purl stitches and survive on my own .

I learned that you don't always know who you are knitting for when you cast on.....

I picked up an Interweave issue from Spring '10. I read with interest the Nancy Bush interview about her love of socks.
She is so historic about it. It is a neat slant.

I was going to read the article on demystifying the kitchener stitch, but I thumbed through the several page article and thought......if they need this many pages...I think I'll skip it.

I love a good 3 needle toe bind off.

NOW, to watch the Hawks and start on my new Opal socks in blue and brown self striping pattern. I love yarn that entertains me.

Are you rooting for the Hawks out of sympathy for Chicago teams pathetic history? I'm just happy they are keeping Fireman entertained as he recoups. He is getting better everyday .....hooray.
I talk more in the comments!


Bianca said…
Socks are looking beautiful! I like the colours. Still... more well wishes for Fireman!
SissySees said…
Glad to hear he's steadily improving!

Happy socks. I haven't read either of those articles, so I'll have to give them a look-see...
Irisheyes Lynn said…
What a pretty color! Your sister will love them.
Katherine said…
Those are really beautiful socks. Love the color!! Your sister will love them!

So glad to hear Fireman is getting along well.

I can't seem to get into hockey which is a shame because Fort Worth has a really good team. But "Go Hawks" anyway!
Celia said…
Love it! That's such a nice gift.
Gayle said…
The socks are wonderful. I love the color. They will be a nice gift. Glad to hear fireman is doing better. Chicago is up 3 games to 2 so I hope that helps with the healing. Have a great week. :)
Beverly said…
I love the color of your socks and may the fireman continue his good recovery.

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