Borrowed from Fiberitis Post
I love the nupps in this shawl. I can see the pattern so beautifully this way. I have never seen a lace shawl knitted this way. Bev from Fiberitis took this shot of it . For more info go to her FIBERITIS blog. It is a lovely blog anyhow.
Is this accepted by lace knitters? I love that there is no negative space. I usually am squinting at lace patterns to see what they are really trying to depict. I want a shawl like this one. I dont want to make it though!
I don't like things that are difficult for me to see. Constellation names seem so wrong to me. I cannot for the life of me see some of the animals that are supposed to be in the sky. I know that some of them have lost stars and that makes it more difficult.
What do you know about this type of shawl?
I talk more in the comments!