Change my heart

My friend Madelon encouraged me long ago to read more than one book at a time. Madelon is a marvelous knitter. I'm trying to follow the Madelon book appoach with my knitting. I have the most terrible time working on more than one thing at a time.

I've never left a work in progress without finishing it. For better or occasionally worse. Why then am I in Finish or Frog it Group on Ravelry.? I need a group for someone who is horribly one project orientated.

Tell me that I can put something down and I will return to it. Tell me that was a new knitter thing.

I have to do this for the sake of my arm, which is connected to the sake of my sanity.

Please leave me a tip, how do you do it??? Help me be like almost all the rest of you.....
I'll talk to you in the comments. :)


Grace said…
it comes naturally to me, I never know what I am going to feel like working on so I have a variety, I have one mindless shawl for knitting group, the laundromat, starbucks runs, and I have tedious work for when I am alone, I have chunky work for the need to get something accomplished and then I have things started just because I need to play with the yarn/ It comes, I remember the monogomy days, but no longer
Bianca said…
I wish I had a solid answer for you. I have a few works in progress, as I like to grab on something when I have time to knit. I have troubles finishing large items for I have a sweater and scarf for me on the needles that I don't get to. But I will finish them too in time...
Anonymous said…
You don't want to be too much like me...I won't even tell you how many projects I have going right now. But, coming from someone with arthritis, I find that switching off projects with different needle sizes does help me be able to knit for longer periods of time. It might help with your arm. Happy Knitting!
Anonymous said…
Hello! Queen of multi-knitting projects here. I have two BIG project bags full of in-progress knitting. I browse the pattern sites and find things I just have to make. Before I know what hit me I have found another inspiration and started that one as well. I can't stop!!

I wish someone could teach me to read while knitting. I've tried but I just can't do it.
Unknown said…
Good for you. I have a couple of projects lingering. But I have good intentions. That counts for something, right?
Elaine said…
Katherine - you are so wrong. I am the queen of multi-projects (and multi-tasking). I always have multiple projects going. A light weight travel one (like socks or the beginning of a sock-weight sweater so I don't need more than 100g), a reading/knitting project (I can't bear knitting without reading - it seems like my mind is being unused), a complicated thing that requires some looking and hence not great for reading - better for watching a movie or listening to a talk, and whatever else I really want to knit. As a result our house is a mess (both because I knit instead of straightening and because I have all these bags of projects around.

Maybe one at a time would be a blessing!
Marguerite said…
If you're happy with one project at a time, that's a good thing.

Too many UFOs is not a blessing, it's a curse and produces STRESS! Also, unless you have a great memory or ability to take great notes, it's confusing when you pick up a project that's been sitting a while.

A few years ago I eliminated knitting stress in my life by limiting myself to three projects at a time. At first it was very difficult, but now it's habit and I'm much more relaxed about my knitting when the choices are only three.

I usually have 1) a sweater for challenge 2) simple socks for when I need to relax and/or think 3) something that's sitting around because I don't feel like finishing it. #3 sometimes gets frogged.

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