Comedic Knitting - Guest Blogger Kate

Kate was kind enough to take my knitting, for the blog post. Zach was buying a tshirt between acts at Second CIty. If you visit Chicago, I would say it is a must. Oh, we laughed. and laughed. and laughed some more. Kate is holding my muffin beret. Thanks Grace for the yarn swap yarn. It is the most delilghtful berry color.

Did any of you see the bit on television about a new way to lose weight invovling rubber bands on your back teeth? The European study showed that people lost significant amounts of weight by having to take very small bits to eat.

I'm declaring it WEE TINY BITE WEEK!

I'm going to take wee tiny bites all week! I've already started and it is amazing how full I feel this way. I made myself eat some popcorn one kernal at a time. While I knit. Using a spoon to pick up my kernel, thereby avoiding the need for a napkin.

So WEE TINY BIITE WEEK begins. Any joiners? We could send rubber bands to each other in a put on our wrists and remind us to take those wee tiny bites.......c'mon join me...


RC said…
I remember wearing rubber bands on my braces as a teen.... and the mouth ouch when one broke!

but the idea is a great way to get back on the wagon! must eat better AND take wee tiny bites
Anonymous said…
Really? Rubber bands? Sounds like those would get yucky pretty quickly. Smart of you to get around that with will power alone. Wee Tiny Bite requires small batch baking and eating with espresso spoons!
Anonymous said…
Sounds easier than what I've been doing for the last 3 months. So far I'm 15 lbs lighter, but it's been the hard way. ;)
Bernadette said…
Love the pic from Second City. I went there as a college student in Chi-town... I agree - it's a very irreverent and totally hilarious place, a must visit.
Birdsong said…
That is a very interesting idea, and I can kind of see how you could feel full if it took as long (or longer) to eat because you were taking wee bites. I will let you know how it goes. That yarn looks more like fuschia than berry to me; very pretty.
Bianca said…
Wee tiny bites? Not for me... I'd rather walk 3 miles a day ;-)
Anne said…
Having had braces as an adult I'm still too close to the ouch you get when one snaps ... I think I'll sit out this round and grouch about not getting to drink a beer at the ballpark this afternoon (stupid work, who needs it, anyway?).

Who's your favorite Cubbie, all time?
Anonymous said…
Having a rubber band on my back teeth wouldn't help me lose weight. I'd start drinking milkshakes!
Unknown said…
I'm so in! Do you have cable? Are you watching "I can make you thin" on TLC? The 4 golden rules are 1. When you're hungry, eat. 2. Eat what you want. 3. Eat consciously. 4. When you're full stop. His version of eating consciously makes you put down your utensils between each bite. It totally works! No shoveling it in. You're full so much faster!

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