Guest Bloggers Foursome

This was not an easy shot, friends. The public golfcourse around here, fondly known as THE WEED, has some rangers who, well, to put it kindly,
take their job so seriously I was more nervous about getting this shot than any other guest blog shot in my short history of blogging.

Are rangers like this everywhere? There's a place for this type of employee but it is in a sqaud car not a golfcart.

To borrow some lyrics :

No one mourns the Wicked
no one cries they wont return
no one lays a lily on their grave.

So it was with true trepidation that I approached the foursome and asked for the blog photo. One of the foursome, THANK GOD, wasn't having any of it, from the starter, and they quickly and kindly complied.

On a like note, I have to tell you about my Hungarian father's knitted golf club covers. His sister, Elanore, made them for him. Upon seeing them, Al immediately began scouring patterns for a nice cabled cover for me to make him for Father's Day. Then I heard his sister had made the rather pathetic ones he uses.
One less project for me. My father is nothing if not LOYAL to his sibs. Nothing I could make him would even get a glance from him. She did not knit them with any club markers.......SO
my father, takes ELECTRICAL tape and creates the numbers on the ragged handknits. He made us admire his handiwork with the number 5. ........

I'll try to sneak a shot of his beloved club covers for you.....they are a real hoot.


Jennifer said…
Well all I can say is that I'm glad you lived to post about it. Great shot!
monica said…
Well, at least they all finally gave in. It is a great shot. Looking forward to seeing the golf club covers.
Anonymous said…
I must see the gold club covers! #5 sounds like a work of art.
Marcia said…
Yep, we've got the same kind of rangers here in CT. They tried to kick one of my friends off the course for wearing shorts they deemed too short. Looking forward to seeing the covers!

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