Guest Blogger refusal....

This is a long story, but I'll abbreviate. There was a photo shoot going on one day and I asked if the model would hold the yarn for the blog. His sister was the photographer and she said okay later, but the model said no......
so, I put my knitting down and honored the model's refusal. .....

this was the first official refusual....

don't worry, it didn't really discourage me.

Please leave me your email or blog so I can thank you for your comment.


Anonymous said…
Some people just don't know how to have fun!
Anonymous said…
A model refused to hold yarn in a photo? How rude!

Love how the yarn snuck into the picture, though! ;)
monica said…
I can't believe he refused. He obviously doesn't realize just what an honor it is.
Karen said…
So regular people (who probably hate being photographed) say YES every day . . . but A MODEL (who gets photographed all the time) can't be bothered to hold the knitting. Oh, that's too much. He needs to be taken down a peg. Good for you that you're not letting it discourage you though.
Karen said…
Three cheers for McDonaldMan... BOO HISS for model.
Donna Boucher said…
Big ego...
no fun.
Jen said…
Well, getting his picture taken is his job. He gets paid for it. And you can't entirely expect him to give it away for free, it would devalue the product he sells - his image.

Love your "Guest Blogger" concept! Found you via the "I Was Knit Together In My Mother's Womb" blog.
Anonymous said…
Ummm, if that's the model - I'm ok with no yarn. And I want to thank you for posting that photo - uh, I didn't notice the yarn until someone else pointed it out . . . Malena (fwmld@hotmailcom)

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