What guys know

Recently a kind reader let me know that whenever she clicks on our URL she is directed to a Bible Study site. If she manually types in irisheyesknitters.blogspot.com, she gets the blog. I do not know why this is happening. Maybe I am supposed to start going to a Bible study group. I have never been to a Bible study group. I think I was invited to one once.

I don't understand the workings of the internet as much as others. (understatement) I enjoy blogging, (obviously) and use Blogspot because it is free and easy enough for me to post successfully.

I spent some time wondering how in the world this link happened. I was thinking of renaming the blog. The fear of losing my loyal readers (all 4 or 5 of you!) was discouraging. What if you weren't redirected? The blog name isn't really user friendly anyhow. No one can ever remember it. No one posts but me and my eyes are half Hungarian you know by now. I was pondering something clever and easy to remember. Something like, tirednurseknits. My nurse friends might remember that one.

Anyhow, I asked the most computer savvy folks in the house, the young adults, that is, and zach immediately responded : "Maybe it's her computer mom."

Why is it that I always default to MY fault? Guys don't do this I've noticed. They carry that can of "blame away" we tease about. Couldn't be my fault. That's the last place they consider. Why is it always the first place I (dare I say we?) consider.

Who teaches guys this? I need some of this.

Does anyone else have this Bible study issue when they try to get to my blog. Let me know. Enlighten me. Do the guys in your life have this natural great defense too?


Karen said…
I link to you through Bloglines and don't get directed to the Bible site. How weird. If you do change your blog address, just let us know so we can update our links!! Oh, and I agree with you that Blogger is great because it is so user friendly.
Pat K said…
I come over and check on you daily (just about) and have never had a problem. I get to you by opening my blog and clicking on the link in my sidebar. Don't move without telling!
Alyssa said…
Nope, no bible study linkage here. Not really sure what the problem is...I also use Bloglines so I just link through them.

Are you going to be at GROUP tonight? :)
Chicago Jen said…
Nope, no problems here! I've got you in my favorites and I check daily. Never seen any bible study and if i did, I'd double check what I'd typed or saved in my Favorites. (Taking the balme upon myself, of course!;) ) Hope to see you tonight at GROUP!
Anonymous said…
I have never had a bible study appear either and I check most every day. Love your blog !

The not my fault trait is a geeneral guy thing. They don't need to be taught it, it is inherited for thousands of years I am sure.
Anonymous said…
My guess would be that whatever link she was using was miscoded on that page. I read you through bloglines with no problems.
knittingnurse said…
No Bible study group for me either (although I probably need one!).

Interesting point you brought up about the differences between male and female. I think that it is because of our innate (or inbred or society taught) need to be the 'nurturers'. Rather than bring pain, fault or guilt onto others we must do so to ourselves in an effort to preserve and hence nurture those around us. Sigh. It is a difficult cross to bear at times but, it is what it is and we must all try very hard to remind ourselves that we need to nurture OURSELVES as well.
Genia said…
No Bible Study group for me either. I've got you listed in my "Favorites" and have never gotten anything other then you when I click on your link.
Lisa said…
I've always noticed that difference between men and women as well - a lot of times between my husband and myself. I always will say I'm sorry if something goes wrong - even if it really isn't my fault. And then when I think about it, I get mad at myself. Yes, in this case (but possibly ONLY in this case), we may need to be a little more like men and not be so quick to take the blame.
Jane said…
I'm the one that has that happening. When Kathy posts a message to my blog, which is on Typepad, I get an email notification. That email includes her name, her email addy, and her url. When I click on the url link in my email, I get directed to the bible study page. This doesn't happen with any other url link I receive this way, and I have no clue why it happens with this one. If you are on Typepad and get email notifications of comments, click on Kathy's link the next time she leaves you one and see what happens.
Bernadette said…
I have never had a problem either... maybe the link function in the email program is wrong?

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