Finished Before the Storm
My friend Anne, made me this vase. It is square with "Frogs" on the bottom to catch the stems. I didn't know how it might show; but I adore it now that I have used it.
I wanted to cut them before the storms hit. We were under a tornado warning for a bit, then a watch. I wanted to show you my finished socks just after the warnings were done.
I have to remember that it easier to knit both socks without months between them. But things happen. I am keeping these for me.These are to demonstrate that I do know how to knit socks that fit me. See the cuffs? They aren't tight. I have fat there and I don't want them tight and irritating. 
Just another pose outside where the photos seem better.
To end, I want you to see that we have green starting around here. Tomorrow is May first and we are supposed to have another week of 50 degree weather. It has been a bugger of a Spring so far. You may say it wasn't Spring, save for a few days.
What is next? I Am off to peek at Some Wraps that came in my in box today. If nothing interests me, I'm starting more socks. Thanks for coming by.....
I've been mesmerized watching the Kansas tornado drone videos. So scary but so amazing at the same time. How things like that exist is beyond me.
I do a round toe.