Easter Goodies


I did not expect a lovely box of Easter egg chocolates, gorgeous cotton blend yarn in my favorite colors, Bunny Napkins, and the cutest bag of coffee labeled with Peeps.  The coffee was aptly  named: : For Peeps Sake.  We had to try it right away.  It is mellow and a sweet way to start the day .

Lovely GIgi who has picked up the sole Moderator position for the socks for amputees, sent ME this gift.  I was truly touched.  I needed to step down after the Wisconsin 'On This Leg ' group was given over 50 socks from our group.  Gigi cheerfully kept the group going.  I'm sure she would take a sock if you have a lonesome sock that someone with just one leg could use. She is working with an Indiana amputee to try to set up their next recipients.  She has contests and she updates the chat board frequently. 

 It made my day.  It is just Fireman and I for Easter, so these thoughtful treats will help us celebrate.

I was very tempted, to stop my current WIP and cast on in the gorgeous yarn Gigi sent. But, I am just underway with a new shawl.  I'd like to finish it for Pride Week and give it to ALLISON'S friend Lucy. 

It wasn't clear WHO would get this shawl, until it knitted up rather rainbow like.  So Pride week will be here in no time and I'll work on this shawl first. It is garter and more garter because, 

(not again....oh yes) I refuse to purl right now.   

Sometimes I know exactly who I am knitting for, sometimes I have no idea until it is finished, and sometimes it simmers in the gift drawer for even a year before I find the right person for the gift .

Are there chocolate eggs appearing in your house ?  We plan to get our meal plans set, for two, and shop for what we will need tomorrow.   I hope to surprise Fireman with a special treat from Kilwin's the fudge shop in town.   They sell whole chocolate rabbits and they sell just the ears.  We all know we eat those ears first.  So I may just find some milk chocolate ears for him.  


What a lovely gift! And well deserved too!

We FINALLY had some glorious weather today, sunshine, and warmth. I enjoyed every minute I could get outside.
Araignee said…
What a wonderful present! I do love Easter candy. Those malted robin's eggs were always my favorite. I also confess to liking Peeps-the yellow ones.
karen said…
What a beautiful thoughtful present! You deserve such love :)
Tired Teacher 2 said…
How lovely to receive treats in the mail! No Easter candy in my house this year because I love it too much. The rainbow shawl is wonderful - happy knitting.
Nance said…
Garter stitch?! I thought you disliked garter the most.

Peeps coffee sounds delightful. I'm crazy for marshmallow.
KSD said…
Oh, the "Pride" yarn is just beautiful.

I sort of miss getting eggs ready to be hunted. There's been none of that for SO many years.
Judy S. said…
What a fun surprise! Those bunny napkins are adorable. We are going to have a quiet Easter, too, and if you lived closer, we'd have you over to celebrate! Hugs! BTW, could you maybe email me Gigi"s address in case I want to send her a couple of socks?
sarah said…
What a great surprise. I haven't thought much about Easter yet. Elliot turns six tomorrow, so I'll start thinking about Easter on Friday.

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