Dress UP


I loved to play dress up .  Did you?  My Allison loved to play dress up as well.  I know a little girl who would like this for dress up.  I decided to add the flowers to the leaf shawl . I hope her momma will take a photo of her goofing around in it and send it to me, 

My little garter shawl is going slower now.  You know, the rows get longer and the knitting slows to a crawl.  But it is great knitting for when you are watching TV .  Come Thursday I will be knitting while I listen to the Cubs.  The Marqee network continues to make it impossible to watch the Cubs in Wisconsin.  This is beyond aggrivation. I am grateful for the radio .  Once it warms up, me, my knitting and my radio will sit on the screen porch and enjoy the Cubbies.

Also in the works, 7 of us who are friends from our McDonald crew circa 1970s, are having a masters contest.  We had a blast working at McDonalds back then.  The years have made us all closer.  It is pretty amazing.  Several of us married.  When I think of fun in my teens, I think of Mcdonald's.  We have seen each other through some tough, grow up times.  I feel very lucky about this.   Does anyone else still visit with friends from a high school job?   

We got our second boosters today and I am thrilled.. It was easy to navigate the process  on line and Walgreens had no wait for us.  Do you have a place you go to because of the customer service? 

No little shoots to show you.  No flowering trees. We are hoping for some 60s and 70s and that ought to coax out the blossoms.  All of you who are posting glorious spring trees and flowers please keep it up .  It makes me excited for that to be our sights very soon .  


Judy S. said…
Both of our girls liked to play dress up, and so did I. I think my granddaughters do, too. Shawls are kind of slow projects, aren't they? I love to listen to NPR in the evenings and knit. It's so good to see you posting again!
Araignee said…
How fancy! I loved playing dress up too.
My high school job was working in a Fotomat so it was just me. The Mister worked in a McDonalds and still talks about the fun he had.
karen said…
I hope spring shows up for you! we have the blossoms but it keeps snowing off and on!!
Nance said…
I played dress-up often as a child. I especially loved high-heeled shoes.

Yesterday, we finally reached 60 with sunshine, and I had a nice long walk. I saw lots of buds on trees and lilac bushes, and I'm seeing more and more crocuses and daffodils in sunny beds. It gave me hope. Hang in there; it's on its way for you, too.
Tired Teacher 2 said…
Ooh yes, dress up was a favorite activity of mine. I had some two-toned, stewardess high heels I loved wearing.
KSD said…
I didn't dress up so much myself, but, man, I loved dressing Barbies!

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