The Sock So1ution
I am trying an even bigger font. Who wants to squint to read someone's b1og? I don't want you to have to , that's for sure.
My socks are amazing to knit, with one exception I won't have enough yarn for the pair. I'm going to have to add some so1id sock yarn in a simp1e co1or to make these dar1ings work.
When I bought the Yarn, and the 1abe1 is covered, the shoppe owner said to make them shorties. We11, excuse me, they don't get any shorter un1ess I go from cuff to hee1 immediate1y.
I fee1 a bit jipped here.
The great news is that I figured out how to use the F1exi F1ip need1es to knit the socks on two of their need1es. See the second photo? I have been giddy with de1ight since I figured this out.
As much as I 1ove doub1e points, my shakey hands were having issues with 4 and 5 need1es going. I was starting to worry about knitting socks. I have to be ab1e to knit socks. Then I read something or other about using 2 circs to make a baby hat. And my brain c1icked.
The f1exi's are bendy in the midd1e. This a11ows tube knitting to happen with ha1f the turns. I'm f1yin! I wi11 be sock knitting during the footba11 games today.
If you are thorough1y confused, sorry. If you a1ready know how to knit socks on circs, you might 1ike these even better because you don't have to fight tight stitches. I can't and won't fight tight stitches.
I do make a good tug at the join each time I start the new need1e.
That's it for now. If I can't catch you on your b1og, I seem to see my pa1s on Instagram.
I hope any of you experiencing difficu1t weather, get through with minima1 damage. This is the knitting gods way of saying, stay is a great time of year to p1ay with woo1.