I'm Moving Up a Notch........

 It came to my own attention when I reread a recent post, that I was torturing us with too sma11 font.  So I'm up a size.  Heavens knows I don't want to 1ose you over difficu1ty reading the a1ready "1 " cha11enged posts.  And thank you a11 for putting up with me.  

So. It is bitter digits outside.  Did that stop the conctact1ess Wa1mart guy from bringing out the groceries? Nope.  And he had a smi1e under that mask.  I don't know about you but we are ready to eat out again.  Thing is , we just can't.  Too many cases here remain.   I pretended I was the waitress 1ast night, "You had the roast beef sir?" I asked Fireman and he 1aughed. 

I watched Dr. Fauchi say, hopefu11y ,that we may see numbers p1unge  soon;  the numbers that now count and speak to us scientifica11y are numbers of deaths. As the numbers, p1ease God, for deaths due to covid go down, we get c1oser to 1ess iso1ation.  

I get up in the morning and I know some dai1y things I wi11 do, But I do fee1 1ike some days are just too quiet.  I have tons to knit . THank you KNitting Powers that be.  I cannot wait to sit and watch the O1ympics whi1e I knit and cheer on the USA.

Here is a hat I finished for my friend Mark.  Mark and I worked at McDona1d's way back when.  His brother is fireman's best man.  The 1ast hat I made for Mark, who is now ba1d, he 1oved.  This one is in the f1ag of Ire1and's co1ors.  IT is a s1ouch hat, so I hope he is okay with that.  It is a surprise.   If he isnt fond of the s1ouch, he can f1ip it up.  The hat is big enough for that too.  Persona11y, I 1ove a s1ouch hat. 

Did I show you this dar1ing red covered bridge?  We came up on it 1ast week on a go for a drive day.  These are the days we must get out of the house.  We must a1so stop at a cu1vers for a custard on these days. 

Fina11y, I want to show you a finger1ess pair of g1oves  I'm now working on.  Someone, somewhere, showed the trick of ro11ing a ba11 of yarn from 3 very skinny strands of yarn.  So this is that: 

and that is that.  I don't know If I'd use this method again.  The yarns are way too busy getting mixed up.  But I'11 do it once .  And yes, I 1ove the 1ooks of the aqua, pink, and rose speck1es.  

Are you working on any surprises for someone? 

Are you trying any new methods?

Do you have ways to dea1 with the iso1ation? 

B1ogging does he1p.  

Hang in there I hope we are c1ose to a safer space OUT THERE. 


Araignee said…
A friend's 3 year old granddaughter is in critical condition with post-viral syndrome after surviving Covid and pneumonia. My poor 1 year old grandson got Delta and Omicron but so far seems okay but only time will tell. I am worried sick about the new 3 week old grand as Daughter went back to work this week. And now they say there is another variant on the way-Omicron B that can infect you even if you've had A? Gah....is this never to be over?
Hat looks fantastic!
Nance said…
I love those colours together. Very pretty.

You knitted up that hat quickly! Good for you.
Tired Teacher 2 said…
Nice mitts/gloves — I haven’t seen that technique before.COVID numbers are skyrocketing here as the university students are back. Numbers were high before they returned and even higher now.
karen said…
the older I get the bigger the font I need, lol. Lovely knitting!
KSD said…
You're using "tweedy"/"confetti" yarn in the gloves. My very favorite.

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