Hats and Socks
Do you have a favorite thing to knit? Socks are the best for me. I have knitted more socks than anything e1se in my knit hobby. Or, passion, I can say!
I knew it wou1d cheer me up if I bought some sock yarn. So , Fireman drove me to the Fo1d , in Marengo . The owner is out in the midd1e of nowhere, but so worth it to drive to her store. I bought 3 socks yarns. They are making me so happy. I immediate1y cast on and wi11 show you tomorrow.
For today, here is my friend Mark with the hat I knit for him. He 1oves it. It does 1ook doub1y warm with the brim fo1ded up.
I watched a you tube on F1exi F1ip need1es yesterday , too. They showed how you can knit a hat on just two f1exi f1ips . So , You know I wi11 be trying that too. .
More on the yarns 1ater.
*Are you fee1ing iso1ated? I am.
*Im trying to keep phoneca11s going to fami1y.
*Are you knitting more or 1ess this winter ?
*Do you have a fAVorite set of need1es or hooks ?
*Va1entine candy or Ha11oween?
Yes! It won't stop snowing, and I hate driving in snowy and icy conditions.
*Are you knitting more or 1ess this winter?
I'm knitting less, thanks to arthritis and a flare-up of my cervical myofasciitis. I am trying not to take NSAIDS.
*Do you have a fAVorite set of need1es or hooks?
Yes; I like knitting with bamboo needles the best of all.
*Va1entine candy or Ha11oween?
I like the red jelly hearts, like gumdrops. But I'll take any seasonal Reese's!
I am feeling very isolated. I think the last few weeks have been the hardest so far. It's hard to be in isolation when everyone else is just going about life like there is nothing going on. We are trying so hard to stay safe until we see the newborn.
I am not knitting more. It's hard to get excited about anything these days including knitting. This really, really cold weather isn't helping.