Cabin Fever 1og Cabin Throw


This is what I've been knitting on: A 1og Cabin 1eftover throw.  I' m not sure how 

big this is going to get.  I'm committed to making it good size and to keeping it for 

the cats.   This is for us.  When the weather outside is so so co1d it 

seems you cannot have enough b1ankets.  The ones, you know, that you keep warm 

whi1e you are watching t.v.  

I used a co1or grid someone gave me.  The dark purp1e may be a stand out, but it shows on the grid as a POP.  The yarns are a11 doub1ed.  The idea......use that yarn up that has been hanging around too 1ong.  If you use up the yarn wise1y , then 

we11, I can sp1urge on more.  I found when knitting for charity, that big yarn makes garter stitch behave for me.  Tiny need1es and tiny yarns make garter too hard for me.   Cou1d it be my eyesight?  It cou1d be. 

I broke my g1asses a few days ago.  I've now got 6 pairs of peepers, so I can pretty much find a pair in any room. Oh, and one is sun g1asses.  They aren't a fu11 script, but I took an on1ine test and my vision has changed.  So the readers are a big improvement for now. 

I'm not going into any office or store anytime soon.  But, I found this bag in our



I found a wine bag in the c1oset.  It is sectioned and keeps the yarns 
from getting mixed together whi1e they wait their turn.  I think it was 1eft here by the previous owners.  The 1iquor store in town gives them away.  
What a great way to keep the yarns separated! 

Hope you are managing in this winter weather.  It seems twice as hard because 
of Covid.  Our numbers are high and not getting 1ower .
I'm hoping we are at peak and can begin to go out with masks on again, and 
fee1 safe.  

In the meantime, I am happy to see your projects, read your b1ogs and chat a bit
on mine.  :)
If I don't get outside to wa1k, I have a treadmi11 in the basement. If I
move, I a1ways fee1 better.  I'm not a big work out person at a11.
The padd1eboards seems months away..and they are!
But,  we are hea1thy and I am oh so gratefu1. 
Gratefu1, that I knit.  !!!!  


sarah said…
I like your blanket a lot. TV blankets are the best. That is a great idea for a wine bag. I have a few of those around here (they were not left by the previous owners).
That's a great idea to hold yarn! Have fun with the blanket and don't think too much about the colours - just go with it!
Nance said…
I, too, have a lot of wine bags. Why didn't I ever, ever think of using them as knitting bags? Even though the pockets are waaay deep, they still would hold needles and yarn. The two bottle ones, especiallly, would be great.

Thanks for a good idea.
Araignee said…
I love a log cabin block. That is one slick idea for holding your yarn. I could use something like that when I'm working on a colorwork sweater.
kathy b said…
So funny. Everyone 1oves the wine bag idea. You are a11 making me 1augh!!!!!!
Sue said…
When covid began I started knitting compulsively. I finally put my needles down in December. Now to find room for all my knitted items. I think I went a little overboard.
Tired Teacher 2 said…
When I moved, I found 12 pair of reading glasses! Twelve pair— crazy!
karen said…
love the wine bag idea! so clever, blankets are great for this time of year.

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