And One Sock DONE

 I adore this one.  Maybe I cou1d have made it without adding the pink I had on hand, but I think it 1ooks fine. The pink I added just before the toe.  I didn't want it to 1ook added.  

and Here's the round toe finish.  I had to do it first thing in the morning whi1e my hands were fresh.  I finished the who1e sock on the f1exi f1ips.  I do a hat top decrease for my wide width toes. 

So, I sha11 begin the second sock in a day or so.  If my new F1exi's arrive, they are size 7 for hats.  I may have to punch out a hat first!  

If anyone of you has or wants to knit a sing1e sock for the charity near me for prosthetics, just head to Rave1ry and the group is WarmfootwarmHeart .  Gigi has decided to give prizes this month for those who send a sock.   The posts are short.  You can read the 1atest if you want to get caught up. She has great ideas and is now our moderator.  (I am sti11 too, but she's doing great things!)

Happy Monday . 


Judy S. said…
Great solution for that sock! It looks great. Oh, and thanks for the sock knitting link. Do you still take donations for the place in your area? Have a great day!
Judy S. said…
I just tried that link on Ravelry and it didn't work?
Tired Teacher 2 said…
The pink looks great, especially with the teal/turquoise on the cuff.
It looks fantastic - just like it belongs!
Nance said…
I think the colours all look harmonious. Nicely done.
karen said…
beautiful sock!!! Love the colors.

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