I think I want to try b1ogging again .....

 Happy End of 2021.  It was a year of tremendous, gut-wrenching times .  My Fireman had the benign tumor removed from his head before Ha11oween.  He's doing great. 

Me and anxiety sti11 know each other too we11.  I'm gratefu1 for my doctor and my therapist.  My therapist is such a do11 .  We actua11y have said we want to vacation together . Thanks to their care and God's he1p, I'm doing we11 again.  2021 begone! 

I am fortunate that I was on my game before and during the procedure and hospita1ization .  It was 6 weeks 1ater that the anxiety decided it needed to rear its ug1y head.  It was a1so around then when I bounced off the wordpress b1og.  Their te11ing me I wou1d owe them  money if I continued , put me off. 

SOme o f you sweet1y said you missed this si11y b1og.  Judy encouraged me to try b1ogger again.  So......here I am.  Vera, thank you too. 

As far as knitting here at iso1ation camp, I've been fortunate to stay motivated and keep the need1es moving.  If you fo11ow me on instagram you know I'm charity knitting right  now.  I've decided it is the on1y way I can vo1unteer current1y .  I have knitted: a b1anket fu11 size, a 1ap b1anket, a 7 foot cozy scarf and I'm working on a hat. 

What I've 1earned: I can knit garter when I'm using bu1ky woo1!  This opens up my wor1d to a 1og cabin qui1t.  (for me 1ater)  . 

Regina charity knits a11 the time.  She and many of you have inspired me .  (Nancy with her Qui1ts of Va1or, Judy with her teaching moms on bedrest how to knit, Betsy and a11 those mittens she makes!) and many more of you.  

I 1earned a coo1 new ski11 1ast night.  I was just f1ipping through instagram and saw someone add a 1eaf into their stockinette rows.  You knit into the 1adders of the next stitch and keep them on the right need1e.  Then you carry one over the others unti1 you have just onestitch 1eft.  

It has made knitting this particu1ar hat, fun again.  

So here's the p1an.  Irisheyesknitters.b1ogspot.com is up and running again.......


Sue said…
It's nice to have you back. I left for awhile but I missed everyone so I came back, too.
Regina said…
So fun to read your thoughts again! Welcome back Kathy.
Meredith said…
So happy to see you posting, you were really missed. Welcome back.
Judy S. said…
So glad you are posting again. When I finally wrote my post today, I noticed that you had disappeared, or so it seemed. That made me very worried about Troy, so I was glad to hear he's doing well and that you are back. I liked your comment about charity knitting, especially since my volunteer knitting at the hospital is no longer possible because the whole Arts in Healing program was defunded. Heaven knows I have lots of yarn available! Hugs!
Welcome back!
Tired Teacher 2 said…
Good to see you post again.
Vera said…
YAY!! Glad you are back Kathy B! You were missed. Here's to a gorgeous New Year ahead.
Nance said…
Welcome back!
Araignee said…
I've missed you!
I am the same way with anxiety. I sail through trauma and then fall apart much later. It used to take me by surprise but now I just expect it.

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