Our 39th Monday q and A ....13 weeks left to 2016

Hope you are still finding Monday Q and A to be fun and light!

*Do you work better in groups or alone?
I am horrible in groups. I grew up in a dysfunctional group of 9.   I would much rather work alone to accomplish anything.  

*Butter or margarine?
Butter. because it's worth it

*For a day : no phone or no computer?
Easy: no phone

*Gym shoes: wear them out or replace regularly?
Wear them out.  Hurts to spend money on them!

*More likely to find in your couch cushions: money or needles?
Needles of course

*What kind of knitting hurts your hands/arms/fingers?
Knit two together hurts and too much circular knitting hurts

*How do you feel when someone asks you to knit for them?
Burdened.  Isn't that awful?  
*I choose my patterns based on : 
-the designer
-the difficulty
-ability to use stash on hand
The difficulty ....I'm such an easy knitter

*I store my yarn in :
-plastic bags
-project bags
-bins and pots and pans
Plastic bags 

*Last company you called customer service .....
Hughesnet.  But I'm about to call DISH.  and I kill them with kindess.  


Anonymous said…
The answers will be over on my blog --- http://pointylittlesticks.blogspot.com

I LOVE your new header photo!
Vera said…
I love your new header photo too - gorgeous! Answers on my blog thethreadedlane.blogspot.com
Delighted Hands said…
Great answers! I love your 'kill them with kindness!'
Betsy said…

*Do you work better in groups or alone?
I much prefer to work alone although I love people.

*Butter or margarine?
Butter. because it's worth it. I agree wholeheartedly so I'll repeat your answer!

*For a day : no phone or no computer?
No phone.

*Gym shoes: wear them out or replace regularly?
I very rarely wear them and have had the same pair for years and years.

*More likely to find in your couch cushions: money or needles?
Needles of course

*What kind of knitting hurts your hands/arms/fingers?
If I use too much dishcloth cotton my hands will hurt so I have to take breaks.

*How do you feel when someone asks you to knit for them?
Delighted. I love to knit for others!

*I choose my patterns based on :
-the designer
-the difficulty
-ability to use stash on hand
Ability to use stash primarily but also difficulty of the pattern.

*I store my yarn in :
-plastic bags
-project bags
-bins and pots and pans
None of the above. Shelves in my stash closet!

*Last company you called customer service .....
Verizon and was pretty happy with the outcome.

Have a great day!

Tired Teacher said…
I like to work alone - group dynamics frustrate me.
I switched to butter two years ago and haven't looked back - too many artificial ingredients in margarine.
The phone is easier to go without, but I can do both up to a week, possibly two.
Good shoes keep he feet happy. I purchase a pair for summer and winter. Sumer need to be replaced yearly, but I can get two years out of the winter pair.
Hmm, I rarely sit on the coach, but probably needles
Cotton yarn is hard on my hands because it has no give.
Charity knitting is a pleasure, but knitting on request is a burden. I feel obligated to knit with a deadline, and I do t like that.
Patterns are selected by stash and difficulty
Yarn is stored in zippered, clear plastic bags, which are stored in large baskets
If possible, I like to go in person to the companies I use. Last one I visited was a door company.
susan said…
I'm with you - I love to work alone!
*Do you work better in groups or alone?

Depends on what I am doing. I do like my own company though and hate working with a group if I don't like them!

*Butter or margarine?

Butter. all the time!

*For a day : no phone or no computer?


*Gym shoes: wear them out or replace regularly?

Wear them out, as I do with all my shoes! So hard to get comfy ones!

*More likely to find in your couch cushions: money or needles?

Hooks! Or crumbs!

*What kind of knitting hurts your hands/arms/fingers?

none, but it all hurts my brain!

*How do you feel when someone asks you to knit for them?

Scared in case they don't like it!

*I choose my patterns based on : 


*I store my yarn in :

Anywhere I can!

*Last company you called customer service .....

I try not to! I did have to call the department for work and pensions on Friday and was dreading that and it wasn't too bad in the end, so that was a good surprise, but I had a cold call from some annoying man today about accident claims and I sent him packing!

Anonymous said…
1. I say alone. I like things done in a certain way.
2. Butter. It's more natural right?
3. Hmmm, I think I'd pick no computer. I'm on it a lot every day.
4. Replace regularly since I run and need the right support for my high arches.
5. Neither; more like dust.
6. Skinny needles except DPNs. That 4 almost gave me a trigger thumb condition when knitting that Pashmina.
7. Both because I'd be honored but on the other hand, I'd feel pressure to get it done asap.
8. Probably the difficulty. I always read the project page summary to see what the heck is its construction. It's irritating when they don't say.
9. Bins
10. I cannot remember; it's Monday and in the 90's.
Judy S. said…
13 weeks left in 2016? Yikes, I still think someone put this year on fast forward! Great photo, too, in your header.

You are so clever with your questions! It's interesting how many of us prefer to work alone. Me, too, especially if I have what I call a "don't talk to me" pattern!

No needles in our couches; lots of cat hair though.
Teresa Kasner said…
*Do you work better in groups or alone?
Alone - I'm very independent.

*Butter or margarine?
Butter because it's real, margarine is fake and made of chemicals.

*For a day : no phone or no computer?
I'll keep my my phone as it's a computer too.. lol.

*Gym shoes: wear them out or replace regularly?
My exercise regimen is swimming so I don't wear gym shoes.

*More likely to find in your couch cushions: money or needles?

*What kind of knitting hurts your hands/arms/fingers?
Decreasing is a bit of a pain.

*How do you feel when someone asks you to knit for them?
I have a friend who loves my shawls and wants me to make one for her. REALLY? It takes me a year, learn to crochet. :-)

*I choose my patterns based on :
-the designer
-the difficulty
-ability to use stash on hand
None of the above - I choose them if it's something I need to make for myself or family.

*I store my yarn in :
-plastic bags
-project bags
-bins and pots and pans
All of the above and in an antique pie safe and an antique cabinet and in baskets.

*Last company you called customer service .....
My domain and website hosts - GoDaddy.
Katherine said…
Still loving the Q & A and reading the answers! Thanks Kathy for continuing it.
1. I like to work alone with no distractions. I get much more accomplished.
2. Butter!! I think it is better for you than that fake stuff.
3. No computer. Without the phone I wouldn't be able to talk to my babies.
4. I let gym shoes wear out. Can't give up a comfortable pair.
5. In my couch cushions you will find needles and dog hair.
6. Knitting with large needles and bulky yarn hurts my hands and wrists.
7. Burdened. One of the things I love most about knitting is being able to knit what I like and change my mind.
8. I suppose I would say by the design (not the designer). I have to have a pattern that will hold my interest long enough for me to finish it.
9. My yarn is in bins in a large cabinet.
10. I talked to a company about some reading glasses I bought that broke coming out of the case. They said to keep the first pair and see if I could have them repaired and they sent another pair overnight. Great customer service.
Araignee said…
I'm late to the party this week.
1. Alone. I went to the fiber fest alone and it was wonderful.
2. I like butter better but we use Smart Balance. The Mister's choice.
3. Phone. I hate talking on the phone. Email me.
4. Don't own any. Crocs for me. I know, I know so uncool but I'm hooked.
5. Neither. Popcorn.
6. Cotton and large needles. Small needles make my hands go numb.
7. Burdened. It's so stressful to get it right.
8. Hmmmm....never thought about it. I just knit what I want.
9. You saw my stash post on Saturday. Bins it is.
10. Verizon Wireless with all the new phone drama.

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