Chewy's Cat Treat Review for September

 Sydney at Chewy sent us cat treats to review this month. 
As you know we do not get money for this but we get free products to honestly review. 

The Fancy Feast Variety packs are not in any of my stores yet. 
We tried them.  The cats devoured them quickly. 
I thought they were smelly.....
a yes for them
a  no for me.

The Honest Kitchen Wishes treats were a hit too.
Below you see a blurry action photo of Beatles sneaking away with a Wish treat in his mouth. 
Again, the cats loved this type of treat. 
It is like a dog bone for cats. 
But the smell of the dried fish was overwhelming to me. 
It permeated the cabinet . 

I worry about cat smells in my home. 
This will be an occasional purchase for me. 
Have to give the cats the treats they love that are nutritious, but I have to keep the house smelling great too. 


Araignee said…
My outdoor cats are turning up their noses at their treats these days and they are important in the socialization process. I need to try something new. I'll have to look for those when they come out. I feed them outside so I won't mind the stink.
Summer said…
Interesting! Thanks for the review♥ Have a great week ♥
Delighted Hands said…
I would be bothered by the strong smell, too. Love the way the cats do their part!

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