The Honest Truth about Felting and Life

My four felted Christmas stockings.  I'm on the fifth .  

Truth: you can make a ton of mistakes and felting just erases them all

Truth : I haven't measured a thing on these and 3 of them happen to be the same size now. 

Truth:  I got in our local pool and swam for an hour yesterday. What a mind clearing peaceful afternoon.

Truth: I then went out with Zach and Fireman and had 2 margaritas.  They were guava and delicious.  

Truth: I was giggling and snort laughing on the way home. I was not driving of course.    

Truth:  I was so angry with At and T that I hand wrote a letter to the Executive Director and the Board.   Within a week I had the Ex Directors assistant personally helping me.  

Truth: I hate to complain

Truth: I love to thank people.  Anita and I are getting to be fast friends.  AT&T  is working it all out.  I think a hand written letter gets more attention than an email now a days. 

Truth : I met an angel yesterday.  She walked by my house yesterday.  A neighbor I'd never met before. (remember I've been here 33 years)  She liked my flowers and we started to talk. She is from the very town Zach is going to be teaching in .
She gave us her contact information.   She has brothers there. FAMILY there.  She told Zach not to be shy.  If he needs ANYTHING he's to contact her. 

Truth:  I hugged her twice and invaded her personal space. 
She didn't seem to mind one bit. 

Truth: A friend's breast biopsy came back negative for cancer. 

Prayers of Thanksgiving , my favorite Kind!  That's the truth


Kim in Oregon said…
Yay for you and yay for your friend!
Anonymous said…
Truth: Certain people come into our lives just at the right time. :-)
Leftycrafter said…
Thank you for this post. If "truths" were listed daily, I think our blessings would outweigh our bummers.
Araignee said…
Fabulous post. You made me happy and that ain't easy when the heat index is 109. I'm having a margarita right now myself and it's marvelous, darling.
Tired Teacher said…
I loved reading this post - very similar to a gratitude journal. May your blessing be abundant in the days to come.
Anonymous said…
It's so good to read good news that benefit others.
Anonymous said…
And mahalo for the sweet comment and for sharing that fun tidbit. That sounds like Kimochi in SF who make things for the Silver Bells Craft Fair where the money goes to their senior home center.
karen said…
I am glad your friend is okay! And I love when angels show up when you least expect it. I had uhaul problems this week and I kept calling, expressing my unhappiness then getting beggy about what could they possible due to FIX my problem. After many calls and lots of insistence I got what I wanted. Now if only they could have not STRESSED me out while I was helping my son move.
Delighted Hands said…
What an uplifting post-thank you so much! I'm so glad the little irritations that happen with a move are getting resolved!
Betsy said…
What a wonderful post! So happy for you and for your friend. Wonderful news all around. I think you may be right. An angel
Judy S. said…
Hurrah for good news!

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