Super Fast Post

Time for a picnic. 
 We moved.  It all come together on Monday.   If you've moved recently you recall the crazies.  The crazies are over now.  Except I accidentally took Tanks' prozac just now.  Time for  a nap I guess. How does one accidentally take Tank's prozac? 
I was reaching for Tylenol and then ran to grab Tank.  I had the tylenol and the prozac in my hand and just took it when he bolted on me.   The cats are not happy in their new home.  

A dog would be thrilled.  Cats dont like change.  We nearly lost Pie to a rafter moments ago.  
The hard part is done. Everyone is using their litter boxes and showing up to be snuggled from time to time. 

Knitting.....cast on another Christmas sock yesterday.  Went two complete dayswithout knitting before I realized it. 

We are 90% unpacked.  I think we unpacked in our sleep.  

The movers...lets not go there.  The one kid who broke the futon side arm, I simply couldnt tell on. He was  all of 20 and barely spoke English.  I told him to NOT worry about it.  

I love the new house. WE are in Lake GEneva Wisconsin.  Not on the lake.  But we are very very happy right now. 

So Whats up by you? I'll be trying to catch up tomorrow.  We had no internet for two days and no TV.  We have both now. 

Hugs thanks..  Keep your dishcloth swaps going. Looks like everyone is enjoying it who played! 


Kim in Oregon said…
I accidentally took Juneau the dog's prozac several times.
Kim in Oregon said…
And congrats on a successful move (no lost cats + litter box use = successful move in my book).
Karen51 said…
Welcome to Wisconsin!! That is a nice area. We are further up, in the Fox River valley. I hope you and your kitties love your new home. I am amazed that you are almost done unpacking. We moved here 9 years ago and the basement still has unpacked boxes. Definitely time to down size!Now for some serious knitting for you. BTW, the dish cloth swap was a fun idea.
Vera said…
Congratulations on the move! Can't wait to see pictures. Glad the kitties made it ok (even if they aren't that happy...yet...).
Caffeine Girl said…
Congratulations on surviving the move! I cannot believe you are 90 percent unpacked. You must have unpacked in your sleep.
Can't wait to meet up ... maybe mid-September?
Tired Teacher said…
Fantastic news that you are getting settled in your new home. Put your feet up, snuggle with the cats, and knit away.
Araignee said…
Woo hoo! And the adventure begins......
KSD said…
Wishing you and Fireman years and years of happiness in your new home. <3
Jane said…
Congratulations on a mostly successful move. Wisconsin is a lovely place.
The best part of the move is when it ends!
And at least Tank's prozac will help you relax! Fezzik looks like he already is.
Hope the others settle in soon.
How exciting! That's a beautiful area! The winters are a bit ruff though, but not everyone hates winter like I do. :-) There have been many days when I feel like accidently taking some of Levi's meds! LOL! And I'm not even moving.
Judy S. said…
Hope you enjoy my home state, Kathy; although we've lived here longer than I lived in WI. Can't believe that you are nearly unpacked; you must have been really motivated to find your knitting stuff! LOL We may go to Chicago in Sept., so maybe we'll have to go up to Lake Geneva as it's been a while since we've been there, and now we have an excuse! The cats will settle in soon; it must have been an interesting drive! Hugs to you!
Anonymous said…
Congrats on the move!!! I'm so glad you have a happy home and I'm sure the kitties will settle in soon enough.

You did a FABULOUS job on the swap.

You'll have to share pictures of your new home when you are ready!
Betsy said…
Oh my goodness! How in the world are you posting...and knitting a mere two days after your move? And 90% unpacked. You are superhuman! I am impressed. If the cats are all accounted for and using the litter box I would consider it a successful move. I want so badly to downsize to a smaller house but Hubby isn't convinced yet. Oh well. Glad all is well there. Hope you had a great nap! Ha!
Bridget said…
Hooray for a successful move! Now you can just go about making the place your own, and enjoying your new adventure.
Delighted Hands said…
I'm so happy for you to have the move be in the past! Now you can savor the newness and joys of being in the new home! The cats have you-they will settle down in a few weeks and make it their own territory soon enough! Knitting is good for you!
AsKatKnits said…
Yay for successful moving! And, I am stunned with your 90% unpacking feat! You must have indeed unpacked in your sleep!
Katherine said…
I loved the dishcloth swap!! It was relaxing and it was fun to meet a new blogger friend--Judy. So glad you move is done and you, Fireman and the fur-babies can relax and enjoy your new home. I have to say, you are an unpacking wild child!!
Meredith said…
So happy you are there safe and sound Lake Geneva is beautiful. I wish you many, many happy and wonderful years in your new home my friend.
elns said…
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. We will need photos after you get settled. I will also need your new mailing address. hehe. Much happiness to you and yours in your new home!

Anonymous said…
Glad to read, Kathy, that the move went generally well and the cats finally adjusted. Your new digs sound to be in a lovely location.
Woohoo! Lake Geneva is beautiful!

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