Dragonfly and Growth

Yeah, I'm kind of a magical thinker.....
I admit it.
I usually lean towards everything meaning GOOD LUCK.
This is one of my favorite web links?
Ugh oh my link failed. Well just google WIND MAP USA and You get to see how windy it is everywhere!
I can see how windy it is all over the country.
Cool HUH?

We've got a breeze coming in the windows. Ahhhhh.
Fireman is racing around doing all his morning stuff and more.
He's such a morning person.
I'm so not.
But you should see me go at night!
Opposites attract
oh yeah!
When are you most effective at accomplishing tasks?
A M or PM?
I am definitely a morning person. I am up and moving by 6:00am. By 2:00 in the afternoon I am running down and please don't give me a task to accomplish after 7:00 because I'm done!!
I'm secretly grateful you are a non morning person living with morning people too. Hehe. I'm so impressed with them but at the same time ... irritated, ha!
I am infinitely better late at night. But I get too sleepy too early to ever get there.
I've had a few dragonflies in my yard too but I haven't been able to photo any this year.
I am most productive between noon and 2 pm. Before and after that, I am easily distracted.
We were buzzed by dragonflies all day on our walk to the beach. I have never seen so many different ones. They were all so beautiful.
It works for us. He gets quiet alone time in the morning (well, him and the cat) and I get mine at night when he (and the cat) are sound asleep.