The Impossible Unpredictable Felting Joy

I happen to love them both.  
They don't match. 
Whomsoever Santa sees as fit for the big stocking....well gets it.
I'm on my third one now,  top down nearing the toe stocking.  
The next one is just greens and whites. 
So odd, but the Lambs Pride white felted the worst of all.....
The next will be in Knit picks wool.  
So Cascade 220 felted better than Lambs pride. 
Or at least the white seems resistant to felting. 

I'm just a felting fool
Ho ho ho
Its in the 90s here


Delighted Hands said…
Just keep track of your felting adventures so you can replicate if you want to in the future!
AsKatKnits said…
White yarn is notorious for resisting felting - I am not sure why.
Bridget said…
I remember reading someplace that white yarn doesn't take to felting. I don't remember the reason. So as usual, not much help.

But oh I do love those stockings!
Tired Teacher said…
They look fabulous. Odd, the white resisted felting. . .
Kim in Oregon said…
I think if any bleach was used on the white it would resist felting.
Caffeine Girl said…
Very cute stockings, but so odd that white felts less than other colors!
Vera said…
I think they look great...maybe they can all end up being Goldilocks and the 3 Bears stockings. I, too, have heard that white does not felt very well. Not sure why that is though.
Teresa Kasner said…
I like the red one! I'm glad you're having fun with it. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
True white yarns (not natural sheep colours) tend to have trouble felting. Something in the bleaching process changes the fiber and makes it difficult to felt. If you want white, try a natural, unbleached off white yarn.
Anonymous said…
Nothing says Christmas knitting like 90 degrees, eh?

So, the way I see it --- "NICE" gets the big stocking and "A LITTLE BIT NAUGHTY" gets the smaller one. LOL
elns said…
I love them both too. I really am enjoying your Christmas in summer theme you've got going. Everytime I see those Christmas stripes I feel happy. Goodness knows that's a good feeling. Also I love Dee's response above, hahahahhaha!
Araignee said…
I felted a bag once and every color felted differently making a lopsided, lumpy mess. They were all Lopi yarns so it really shows you how color affects the outcome.
Happy felting!! It is interesting to see how the different yarns felt differently isn't it!
Betsy said…
I love them both! Such fun to see what happens when you felt them. It's a bit like Christmas morning!
Anonymous said…
You are really having fun with these.
Judy S. said…
Fun stockings! Have you tried felting a purse/bag? That's fun, too.
karen said…
lovely socks and why do they have to match? I like when knits have their own personalities and felting lends itself to that.
Meredith said…
I love felting it is always a fun experiment.

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