Moving Right Along....Thanks to Nancy Wyoming Breezes

 I'm still planting zinnias.  I want the new owners to have joyful color in the yard when they move in.  I've planted them in stages. 
Zinnia's are a no brainer here. 
The family of rabbits in the yard don't eat them.
You toss the seeds in the ground and watch them grow. 
They are cheerful, colorful, wonderful sure thing here. 
 Up around 0300 briefly and the fog was thick. 
So I snapped this image for you. 

Second Christmas in July stocking underway.
This time using Ella Rae in red and Brown Sheep in White. 
Leftover green in Cascade 220. 

I found plastic needles on line.
My hands prefer them to addi turbo's. 
They have some give. 

Big news at our house. 
Zach will be teaching in Chiapas Mexico for the fall semester. 
He is thrilled. 
I'm thrilled for him. 
He will be teaching English to Mexican families. 

I know his Catholic School will miss him. 
He had a good 3 years with them.

I have to say, that as his mom, I have been influenced by Nancy's wonderful foreign Friday photos. 
The joy she found teaching in Japan is still a huge part of her life years later.  Thank you Nancy!  I wish that for Zach. 
Adios! Que la vaya Bien! 


Delighted Hands said…
Nice to hear all the good updates! Nice of you to plant flowers for the new owners like that.
I did all kinds of neat things for the people who purchased our home before we moved to FL; they never said a word of thanks but no matter because I felt better knowing I had done them!
Happy stocking knitting!
AsKatKnits said…
What fantastic news! How exciting. Beautiful photos as well :)
Jessica said…
So nice to plant the zinnias! We gardened right up til the end in our house, I knew that I would miss it while living in a high rise for a couple of years. Luckily I have a balcony, but right now I only have two pots with mint planted in them....priorities, mint for juleps!
Betsy said…
How nice of you to plant flowers for your the new owners. Our daughter left a bouquet of flowers and a letter telling all kinds of little details about the house. Garbage pick up day, where the mail box was, how different remotes worked around the house. They never said a word to her. But then again that's not why she did it. I'm sure the teaching will be a wonderful experience. As you know, our son started off teaching English in Japan before he went to work at the University doing translation. Of course he does still live in Japan and loves it there.
Blessings, Betsy
Araignee said…
Congrats to Zach!
It is so hard to move. I admire your attitude. I cried for a month when I left our last house and came to the beach. Don't get me started on Daddio's house. It still hurts.
Katherine said…
You are so sweet to spiffy up the yard for the new owners!! That is such a kind and loving thing to do. I know they will love your home as much as you have all these years. It is so hard to give up a house that has been so much a part of your life. I know because there is a home in Wheaton that still holds my heart and many memories of Carrie and her brothers and sister growing up there!

Congratulations to Zach. The people of Chiapas Mexico will be fortunate to have him there.
Caffeine Girl said…
I think Zach has made a great decision. This is the time of life to travel and take on the unknown. And he will give at least as much as he gets!
Anonymous said…
Best wishes to Zach. Exciting times for him for sure! And for you too! Now you have a great new place to vacation! :-)

The new stocking is a cute color combo.
Teresa Kasner said…
I know Zach will enjoy living in a different culture. But I do hope he comes back home someday.. some people who live in other places never come back and it breaks their momma's heart. But he's young and these are his "glory days" and doing this is great for him. I had my glory days in Hawaii. :-) ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Gracie Saylor said…
Cheers for Zach! I hope he has a terrific time. And cheers for you plugging away at packing. It will be fun to hear where you decide to move. I have been enjoying watching the Tiny House shows on HGTV and DIY. I am mentally gearing up for more downsizing of my possessions by passing along more of the books that inhabit my bookcases...someday... xx
Meredith said…
Congrats to Zach, I know he loves it there and will have a fabulous experience.
Judy S. said…
Congrats to your son! And a place for you to visit during the winter, eh? Rabbits don't gobble up zinnias? We have some very hungry bunnies around here. I'd heard they are hard to care for? Picky about watering?
Anonymous said…
What a life memorable experience your son will have in Mexico. You've reminded me I have some cherry seeds and watermelon ones to plant. I told the husband with how much fruit we eat in this family, we need to plant our own orchard. I love my Takumi Clover bamboo needles. I do like the Addi Turbo circulars. But for sock knitting, wood needles are comforting for my hands.

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