Monday Q and As

A neighbor's nasturtium. O  I love that orange blossom plant. 
Below, I give you some yoga cuffs. 
I made them for a friend. 
I may make an ankle portion,too.  
Now for the Monday Q and A fun:

*After a long day of knitting would you rather:
a) soak in a hot tub
b) have a massage
c) have a manicure
MY pick: massage

*Many of us are sock knitters. 
Have you ever put rubber dots on the sock bottoms for slippage? Nope. But Ive read about it. 

*Super secret Revelation:
I haven't had a pedicure yet this season.  WHAT? Hush, no shame as the Fat Squirrel knitter Amy Beth would say. 
When was your last pedi? (winter for shame) 

*Are you waiting for anything to bloom in your garden?
I am. I am waiting for our first Rose of Sharon blooms and the first Zinnia blooms. Everything else has been up and running for awhile.

*Do you own anything at all, anything, solar powered?
I have a solar powered porch light that's amazing. 
I have some solar powered holiday decorations for the yard.

*So Many CUBS are in the All Star lineup this year.  It is so super exciting to me.  Will you watch the home run contest or the game?  Neither? Both?  (BOTH FOR ME) 

*Finally, Your name for a winter yarn were all so amazingly awesome.  Let's try again.  Name a midsummer Yarn Colorway. 
Here are a few of mine: 
Perfect Pedi (corals) 
Firefly (yellows and grays)
and Green tomatoes on the vine.  (Greens) 

Thanks for playing . Happy MONDAY. Keep you chin up!  


Vera said…
More fun questions Kathy B! Hope you have a great week.

1. Definitely a massage…and I think I need to book one.
2. I have not.
3. Me either – last time was Spring – over due for that as well as a massage!
4. Not waiting for blooms but waiting for tomatoes, eggplants and peppers.
5. We have some solar powered lights.
6. Won’t watch either.
7. Habanero Hot (Red), Beach Glass (cool greens and blues)

Anonymous said…
1. Massage
2. No, but thought of it. What do they use, fabric paint?
3. I haven't had a pedicure since last year before we had moved; I do my own now. For our Seattle trip it was the first time I ever attempted to paint my toes.
4. I read this question and "What garden?" popped into my head as our landscaping is half-a**ed here for the time being.
5. I think we may have a solar powered, outdoor light.
6. No cable; no access to regular channels.
7. Hibiscus or Roses in Bloom
Delighted Hands said…
1. Massage!
2. No and no.
3. I have never had a pedi but my daughter treated me to one she did-several years ago!
(I take good care of my feet and use my own moisturizing oil on my feet and they are soft and un calloused; perhaps my only point of vanity!)
4. I am waiting for the Rosella tea plant to bloom.
5. I have solar panels to heat pool.
6. NO BASEBALL! (Pick, spit and grab is my name for that sport! To be fair, I don't like watching any sports on tv except occasionally golf or basketball for March Madness Final)
7. Caribbean Pools
Suburban prep said…
I would so love a massage. I went to doctor the AM and have tendonitis and trigger finger so am off the needles for a bit (So hard to do but the pain is unbelievable). Also with a prior DVT in my life people do not want to take me on with a massage so the closest I get is acupuncture and then doing yoga (Still not the same).
As for baseball I am thrilled that the Cubs are doing well but I am a college football and NFC football watcher.
I live in a condo so the garden I have is potted tomatoes and rosemary.
Also due to the DVT I do my own nails as I have been told that I can not have someone do them for me.
Stacey Minter said…
Great questions this week. I hope you have a wonderful week. Here are my answers for this weeks questions.
Betsy said…
1. Hot tub for me if I was allowed. Unfortunately because of my heart I can't get in them anymore, but a nice warm bath would be nice!
2. No
3. I do my own pedicures. My daughter even bought me a foot bath for Mother's Day a few years ago.
4. Everything has bloomed!
5. Solar lights around the yard ad campsite.
6. I'm not much into sports but do enjoy hearing that the Mariner's won when they play.
Anonymous said…
Good answers everyone.

My answers are on my blog -
Araignee said…
1. Tub for me.
2. No but I've seen people do it with puffy paint.
3. Never had one but I do put a coat of paint on my toenails once every summer.
4. Nope and all my impatiens have blight and are dying. :(
5. I used to have those little lights but they all died.
6. No. I do watch international soccer and the TdF but that's about it.
7. Hmmm....Farmer's Market? Lots of fresh veggie colors.
Teresa Kasner said…
*After a long day of knitting would you rather:
b) have a massage

*Many of us are sock knitters. Have you ever put rubber dots on the sock bottoms for slippage?

*Super secret Revelation: When was your last pedi?
I can't even remember.

*Are you waiting for anything to bloom in your garden?
My hardy hibiscus

*Do you own anything at all, anything, solar powered?
I have a solar powered lantern that was given as a gift. I don't think it works.

*So Many CUBS are in the All Star lineup this year. It is so super exciting to me. Will you watch the home run contest or the game? Neither? Both? Not a sports nut.

*Finally, Your name for a winter yarn were all so amazingly awesome. Let's try again. Name a midsummer Yarn Colorway.
Tutti Fruitti
Caffeine Girl said…
After a long day of knitting would you rather:
a) soak in a hot tub

*Many of us are sock knitters.

*Super secret Revelation:
Probably 20 years. I'd rather buy yarn!

*Are you waiting for anything to bloom in your garden?
No. My shady yard is kind of boring at this time of year.

*Do you own anything at all, anything, solar powered?

*So Many CUBS are in the All Star lineup this year. It is so super exciting to me. Will you watch the home run contest or the game? Neither? Both? (BOTH FOR ME)
Neither. I never caught the baseball bug.

*Finally, Your name for a winter yarn were all so amazingly awesome. Let's try again. Name a midsummer Yarn Colorway.
Patio Pink

1. I have to pick only one?! Dang! I want them all! LOL But if I have to pick just one I'd pick soak in a tub with a bar of Araignee's wonderful soap for good measure. Love her soap!
2. Yes I have done this. I've also put them on a pair of gloves that I knitted.
3. Never had one but sounds so fun.
4. Waiting on a big old watermellon....:-)
5. I have little solar powered lights lining the shrubs and walkway in front. Love em!
6. I'll be watching the Gardener watching it all. sigh
7. Wild Flowers
1: Hot tub all the way (I don’t like to be touched except by certain people)
2: I haven’t but I’ve heard about it. You can use puffy paint too. I think Mom did that for some slippers she made for the girls when they were toddlers.
3: I don’t do pedi (feet are super sensitive and I don’t like them touched AT ALL!!) but usually my toes are painted. They are bare at the moment (giving them a rest) but I’ll probably do them again before the weekend.
4: Some of my new lilies. And I just noticed the Dahlias finally got buds on them… so those too!
5: I use to have a solar-powered calculator. I want to get some garden lights, but I haven’t quite decided on style yet.
6: No baseball for me. We’re not into sports.
7: Creamsicle! (Pink, orange and yellow). We’ve actually made it before and it always screams “summer”
Judy S. said…
So, do you know where to get those non-slip dots? Stella absolutely needs them on all of her socks! We have solar-powered lights in our garden, but this year's sunshine has been pretty sad, so they aren't working very well. Sigh.....

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