Three Purples and a Pattern

 I guess I'm gravitating to purples in my yard without realizing it. 
Hmmmm, perhaps I need to knit with some purple.
And here we have my Spud and Chloe free Leaf scarf pattern. 
Like my notes?  They are a mess  to you, but I get them!

Happy Sunday.  


Tired Teacher said…
I recently found an old knitting pattern that someone shared with me - it was covered with notes, too. I need to see if I still understand them. .
Judy S. said…
Our daughter who wore purple shoes under her wedding dress would definitely approve! So is your new leaf scarf going to be purple?
Purple is a great garden colour - butterflies and bees prefer it (and blue too!)
Meredith said…
I just planted a few extra purple flowers this morning. I had some bare spots that needed attention.
Love your notes.
Gracie Saylor said…
Pretty purple flowers...and an interesting pattern :) xx
Teresa Kasner said…
Egads, that pattern looks scary to me! Love your purples.. it's a fave of mine, too. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
karen said…
your notes are decipherable so that are spot on!!
Anonymous said…
That third photo of the purple flower is gorgeous! Such a deep, rich purple.

Nobody but me could read my notes. But, as long as we can read our own, we are doing okay!

Have a great Sunday. Looking forward to the Monday Meme tomorrow!
Araignee said…
My notes look just like that. I always have to rewrite or rechart a pattern so it makes sense to me.
Gorgeous flower photos. You really have a talent for that.
Very pretty purple flowers! Those are some pretty colorful pattern notes too! LOL
Betsy said…
I love purple. Gorgeous! And those notes look typical for a knitter! As long as you understand them that's what is important.
AsKatKnits said…
Beautiful photos! And, knitter's notes are just the best!
Delighted Hands said…
I think it is interesting how different times of year yield the different color array in our yards-these are beautiful flowers! I love my chicken scratching, too-it is a good map when you need it most!
Anonymous said…
Sometimes you gotta write it out yourself in order to understand them. I've had to do that a few times, but via typing.

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