The Goldfish Socks are Finished!
Hello !
The goldfish socks are finished.
They are swimming and their fins are waving in the water.
We had many goldfish in our day.
Our town filled the local pool with goldfish on closing day and there was a mad splash to catch yours and bring it home.
The key lied in putting it immediately into unchlorinated room temp tap water.
Many a fish lived to the ripe old age of 9.
Many died the day after the pool catch.
They ALL got a proper burial .
We stood in front of the toilet, saluted and flushed.
Only Fred Rogers could handle it better.
And he did.
His show on your fish dying was a thing of beauty.
I have several gold fish as a child. Getting the water to the right temperature after cleaning the bowl was a big challenge.
Stephen won the goldfish by throwing a ping pong ball into the fish's bowl. Who knew the kid had aim. He named it Tuna Dinner -------------at least that is what it sounded like. He had a speech impediment as a kid. Could have meant something else, but that's what we called him.
I loved Mr. Rodgers, but even he couldn't help me with my fish problem. Every goldfish I ever had died a mysterious death. I would care for them according to instructions and within a few days I would find fishy floating on his/her side and they weren't doing the side stroke. It's safe to say I was death on goldfish! I love the fish in the pool idea though.
Mr. Rogers. I never quite believed he was real.
I had a goldfish when I was very young. I named it Goldie. I have have been great at naming pets!
Hugs and love the socks.