The Biggest Monday Meme of 2016 May 9 2016

Today's Meme is inspired by Taiga Hilliard Designs in Super Bulky  yarns.  
This is the Flame Out shawl. 
I fell for the Fire Garnet lace shawl this weekend.  I knit it up in twice the time it was supposed to take. It is a great pattern ;I just had to wrap my head around the simple lace chart and then I was good to go.   
Tiaga's Bulky patterns inspired this meme. 

Here we go: 

*1 What is the bulkiest yarn with which you have knitted or crocheted? 

(This is kind of cheating.  I doubled some Worsted Malabrigo to make the Fire Garnet shawl this weekend.
I just ordered a Super Bulky skein of Madelinetosh ASAP and I intend to WORK it asap ) 

*2 What is the biggest size needle you've worked? 
(I worked the Fire Garnet on 15s)  

Tell me about the WHOLE Enchilada...
(My enchiladas need to be chicken with a mole sauce!)

Would you rather wear a bulky bracelet,
bulky earrings or a bulky ring? 
(I love bulky earrings) 

Name something oversized that you own and love?
(. Fezzik is an oversized Cat.  His massiveness is impressive and beautiful ) 

Which is bigger,  The number of Projects on your Ravelry project pages or the number of patterns you have faved?
(This is easy.  I have at least 200 patterns in my favorites.
Projects listed on Ravelry for me are less than 80. )

What is the biggest vegetable you have grown? 
(One of those monstrous zucchini that you try to give to neighbors.)

How large is your stash?
a) reasonable, I have some new skeins and lots of leftovers
b) Not fair I just came from the Sheep and Wool Festival
c) Lets just say we may have a knitting problem .

(I'm actually an A.  I have under a dozen fresh skeins and the rest is leftover in the stash) 

What's the longest vacation you have ever taken?

(We went on a road trip with the kids for 12 days) 

What is longest you have gone without talking to another human being? 
(I was forced to do an overnight 24 hour SOLO in the Boundary Waters when I was 16.  I was scared to death camping alone and I only lasted until Sun up.  I started yelling for the group counselor to come and get me.  They thought a bear had me. 
Boy were they upset with me)


Caffeine Girl said…
*1 Bulkiest yarn? Plain old bulky, I think, for a poncho that I love.

*2 Biggest needle: Size 15 for above poncho.

*3. Enchilada: chicken and not too spicy.

*4. I love bulky bracelets, but not when I'm working.

*5. I would say "stash" but you get into that below!

*6. I have 169 projects on my Rav project pages but only 140 on my favorites.

*7. What is the biggest vegetable you have grown? I live in 100% shade. Years -- and houses -- ago, I grew pretty regular-sized tomatoes.

*8 d) Stash, what's stash?

What's the longest vacation you have ever taken? Two weeks on the east coast, visiting bot my brothers.

*10 What is longest you have gone without talking to another human being? I have no idea. Probably not longer than 24 hours.
Tired Teacher said…
I'm not a fan of bulky yarns or knits, but I did knit a rug out of "yarn" made from T-shirts on gigantic needles. I can't remember the size but they were the size of broom sticks. That said, I will NOT be knitting another rug!
Suburban prep said…
I usually do not use bulky or heavy yarn. Do not like the feel of it going thru my fingers and well actually due to a few other issues I do not like it on me as I knit.
I usually like knitting with fingering, sock, sport or the heaviest I go with is worsted (sometimes).
I say this and you ask what the largest size needle I have worked with is --a size 35. I know I seem to be contradicting myself. I knit something for someone using that size because they asked me to --they bought the materials.
As for the longest vacation I have been on was with my father over 10 years ago we went to Europe. My brother and his family live there and my father does not like traveling by himself and I was the only family member that was able to take the time. My husband flew over for about 10 days (this was his first time there). The whole trip was about a month and a half. It is something I will remember.
Katherine said…
1. I'm not fond of chunky knits but I too have doubled Malabrigo. I'll use any excuse to use Malabrigo.
2. 13 is it for me. The biggies hurt my hands.
3. Pulled BBQ beef with traditional enchilada sauce.
4. Bulky ring. I can't wear heavy earrings and don't wear bracelets.
5. My big, warm, ankle length coat in brilliant turquoise. It was my go-to coat in Chicago but I have only worn it twice in Texas.
6. I'm sorry to say I don't use Ravelry except to search for patterns.
7. No huge veggies in my garden, but I finally grew a 4 foot Rosemary plant last year.
8. I admit my stash is "knitting problem" gigantic--all over the house in cabinets, on shelves, in baskets. When daughter and SIL were talking about extra insulation for their rebuilt house, granddaughter chimed in, "We could use Grandma's yarn as insulation."
9. Two weeks camping in Colorado with six kids in an RV. I am a brave soul!
10. My motto is "Never stop talking," they might think I'm dead and that could lead to all sorts of problems.
Love you memes Kathy!!
Janet said…
I've not done much with bulky yarns. Maybe it's time to give it a try.
*1 What is the bulkiest yarn with which you have knitted or crocheted?
I made a jacket in super bulky – it was brutal – and it’s brutally heavy and a pain to wear so now it’s a cat blanket

*2 What is the biggest size needle you've worked?
12mm – US saize 17

Tell me about the WHOLE Enchilada...
I have never had an enchilada – I’m not big on Mexican food actually

Would you rather wear a bulky bracelet, bulky earrings or a bulky ring?
All three!

Name something oversized that you own and love?
An old t-shirt I stole off Dave. Well – actually we share it. I wait until he’s worn it, then I steal it to wear it as pajamas on the nights he’s not home, because it smells like him.

Which is bigger, The number of Projects on your Ravelry project pages or the number of patterns you have faved?
Totally the number I have faved

What is the biggest vegetable you have grown?
We grew pumpkins when I was a kid, but they were just pie pumpkins. I did win a ribbon at the fair for my giant marigolds though.

How large is your stash?
a) reasonable, I have some new skeins and lots of leftovers
b) Not fair I just came from the Sheep and Wool Festival
c) Lets just say we may have a knitting problem .

Closer to a…. but probably larger than what could really be deemed reasonable. I’ve been good a whittling away at it these last few years though.

What's the longest vacation you have ever taken?
A week – I can’t stand to be away from home too long.

What is longest you have gone without talking to another human being?
A couple days. I don’t particularly like people, but I go a little crazy without any human contact at all.
Betsy said…
*1 Bulkiest yarn? I very rarely use bulky yarn. In fact, I don't remember ever using it.

*2 Biggest needle: Size 15 for broomstick lace. (Crochet). The yarn gets wrapped around. Size 15 needle.

*3. Enchilada: beef or chicken but not spicy

*4. No bulky jewelry at all.

*5. I guess I co-own it. My husband's F150. Pickup. It seems huge to me in comparison to my Honda CRV with it's 6 seats and back end. I detest parking that thing!

*6. I don't know, but I have lots in my library. They are probably close. Maybe I should check that out sometime! Ha!

*7. What is the biggest vegetable you have grown? Zucchini. When we lived in Nebraska they always grew to remember baseball bats.

*8 d) I have a double closet full, but I do seem to use it on a regular basis and replenish when there is a sale. I make lots of stuff for charities so I do use a lot of the nicer acrylics.

What's the longest vacation you have ever taken? I think it was two weeks. I have stayed away from home for longer periods but that was to care for sick relatives so I don't count that as a vacation!

*10 What is longest you have gone without talking to another human being? I talk to people everyday. I love people and have never really met a stranger. Kind of like my Mom. She loved people too.

Vera said…
1. Can’t remember the name, but something cheap and really bulky – I made a rug.
2. I think 15 or maybe larger? For the rug – can’t remember. It worked up fast, but yikes those big needles!
3. Chicken and mole would be great…also guacamole.
4. Bracelet or ring. Bulky earrings hurt me.
5. Kitsy – our cat when I was in high school – 25 pounds! All black and gorgeous. My friends used to call him the moving black velvet pillow.
6. Just go on Ravelry to search patterns…but I do have quite a few in my library.
7. Probably a pumpkin. Grew a huge watermelon once, but that’s a fruit….
8. B. I was at MDSW on Saturday (but only bought 2 skeins of yarn). I do have a trunk-full and several (many) bags full of yarn.
9. Back in the 60’s we took a 2-3 month trip…drove out West from Eastern PA along a northern route, down the coast of Oregon & California and back East along a Southern route and then up the Eastern Coast. Fabulous vacation!
10. Probably 24 hours or so. I’m pretty quiet, but I do like to chat sometimes.

Another fun meme Kathy - and you look fabulous in those pictures!!
Anonymous said…
1. Super bulky is the heaviest I've used - Malabrigo Rasta and Twinkle Handknits Chunky.
2. US 17 for the latter; it was a button up cowl for the tween's first grade teacher.
3. Chicken with green chilies and lots of cheese, pls!
4. I always wear earrings.
5. Hmmm, this is a tough one. I guess my little kitchen table b/c my dad took me to IKEA in Emeryville where we had no luck and then even after that long trek took me to BusVan for Bargains on Clement where I found this table.
6. Number of patterns fav'd on Rav far out exceeds my projects.
7. Never grew a veggie I'm afraid.
8. Well, according to my stash I have 141 yarns and I know there are more that haven't been cataloged.
9. 10 days is probably the longest holiday we've taken - Oahu.
10. You had a funny story for this one. I can't think of an answer, probably not long.
karen said…
I am not a fan of bulky so I cannot say much about that thickness :) I don't think I ever stop talking so maybe two hours??? not much!! One week is my longest vacation (and I prefer to be home within 48 hours)
Araignee said…
1. I knit with knit material I cut into wide strips and seamed into a giant ball of yarn to make a cushion.
2. Those giant red Lion Brand needles-I think they are 35's.
3. Never had one.
4. No jewelry. Not even my wedding ring. It slows me down.
5. Hmmm... I'm a mini person. I drive a Mini, my dogs are mini, stash is HUGE.
6. Projects. There's a lot.
7. A giant pumpkin, years ago. We have pictures with girls on it.
8. Three rooms and an underbed bin full. Seriously out of control.
9. 10 days camping through New England and Canada with the kids and my parents. Priceless DVDs. We watch them and laugh and cry often.
10.Mmmmm.....minutes? Even when I am alone, my phone never stops ringing. Daughter can't go an hour without calling me.
1. Homespun thick and quick. I made several afghans with it. I love that stuff!!
2. US-50 I have to say I hate big knitting needles though. But I love big chunky monkey crochet hooks! I have the US-35 and have my eye on an even bigger one on Amazon!
3. Chicken for sure
4. All of the above or none of the above.....depends on my mood. LOL!
5. oversized quarter horse who thinks he's a puppy. He clocks in at about 1200lbs!
6. I've only just started Ravelry so it's still a work in progress
7. A was as big as was a crazy big carrot!
8. B and C and I try not to draw attention to it! LOL!
9. A weeks worth of camping with 6 kids and 5 dogs. Need I say more?!
10. people actually do that?! LOL! My goodness...if I'm not talking to someone else I'm talking to myself.

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