New Poncho New Phrase

 Love my old garage.  Such personality.  The side windows are old wonderful glass.  Functional? Nah. 
Great visual...yup. 
 Fireman had a early May birthday.  He wanted this REI hammock.  He got into it in the yard yesterday and fell fast asleep. 
I'll take the futon on the porch thanks. 

My Meme prompted me to want to make a poncho.  I actually sat and got gauge last night.  Whoa...I think I'm growing up.  
It is the Fade to Gray poncho.  No author that I can find.  

I had fun reading your Meme answers.  Seems there are many lay z boy nappers !  Only one taker to go with me when I win a hot air balloon ride. That surprised me.  

I need a quiet porch day today.  Retirement has been a whirlwind lately.  How did I ever have time to work?

My mom was very cute last night.  My neighbor was talking about her mom and instead of saying she had macular degeneration she said she had immaculate degeneration.  I love it.  That's what my sweet mom has: immaculate degeneration of her mind.  


I'd join you on that hot air balloon!
Anonymous said…
That hammock sounds like the perfect spot for an afternoon nap.
Caffeine Girl said…
I dream of the busyness of retirement! I am truly not sure how much longer I can do this!
I wish our porch was big enough for a futon, but I'm happy just to have a screened porch!
Katherine said…
What a sweet comment about your mom! I will remember that and share it with a friend who is loving her father through alzheimer's.

So glad you went with the poncho! I just ordered one in coral from J.Jill yesterday which makes 3 in my summer wardrobe--all light weight of course.

If you get busier when you're retired I wonder if I should even think about it. I am busy enough as it is!
Teresa Kasner said…
I truly wished you'd taken a photo of your husband in his hammock.. it looks like it's pretty small! I look forward to seeing how your poncho turns out. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Betsy said…
I love your comment about your Mom. I wish I still had my mom here with me. She was hilarious, always. I honestly don't know when I had time to work. I seem to be busy all of the time. Although I have always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon, I know that my fear of heights wouldn't let me enjoy it very much. Love the color you chose for your poncho. I'm looking forward to watching it grow.
Araignee said…
I used to love to nap in my hammock before the Asian Tiger mosquitoes invaded the place. They bite day and night so I'm indoors all summer. Boooo....
Vera said…
Immaculate degeneration is priceless! Love that phrase and I will be using it. Can't wait to see how your poncho turns out. We have a patio on the back of our house...wishing it were screened in, but at least it's shady thanks to the roof.
elns said…
What is this gauge thing you speak of? Crazy pants. I'm inspired by your switching it up though. I'm going to rip out my vest and find something else...
Delighted Hands said…
My grandson has one of those hammocks-he loves it!
The new poncho will be a fun knit!
Tired Teacher said…
Hammocks look comfy, but I don't think I would be able to get out of one gracefully.
Judy S. said…
Looks like the beginnings of a fun poncho! Hugs to your mom and you, too. I hear it's really warm in the Midwest? DH and I wonder about how we had time to work all the time. Crazy, isn't it?
karen said…
a poncho? on a porch? sounds heavenly! I miss having a porch (we had a screened in one at the other house). Now I have a patio in full sun and it is too HOT. sigh. Next house will have a porch :)
Meredith said…
I'll come wit with you on your porch or in a hot air balloon, I have been in one before they are fabulous.

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