New Monday Meme! This or That????

Mr. Fezzik is photobombing my 3rd Spud and Chloe Susan B. Anderson Leaf scarf. 
This one is in Noro Odori Colorway 878
Silk, wool, angora and mohair blend. 
To me it feels like cotton. 
Yarn on clearance for 13 dollars or 50% off at Mosaic Studio in Mt. Prospect Illinois. 

Let's have fun....I love Monday Meme day!

*Do you love Noro or not so much? 

(Both.  I'm cheating already.  I love their colorways in skeins, but I don't always like the way they knit up with the crazy colors.) 

*Are you more likely to wear a 
poncho or a shawl?
(Shawls always look like I'm trying to pull off a look that I simply cannot accomplish. 
This one is tough. Answer:  Poncho. Don't judge me please. Now I think I better knit one.  I don't even have the super ugly one I knit in 2004 anymore. 
It was last seen in a cat bed .....)

*Which brings you more joy, 
Casting on or Casting off?
(Oh always casting on. The eternal knit optimist here. Sometimes when I am casting off I'm just so done with it that it is more a break up than a finish.)

*Are you more likely to knit a baby a hat or booties?
(Hat. For sure) Little baby heads are so dang cute with hats on.  I live in a cold climate....and my mom was a huge believer in putting a hat on a baby whenever it went out of the house. More on sweet mom later this week.)

*Does anyone in your family fall asleep in a chair or do they fall asleep in bed?
(Fireman dozes in the chair....then he gets in bed and can't sleep...go figure) 

*Would you rather win a hot air balloon ride or a dinner cruise? 
(Now food is involved, but I won't let it sway this one. I would like to try a hot air balloon ride someday.)

*Do you watch the awful news or do you avoid it?
(I watch it. Somedays I won't turn it on until after the first ten minutes of horror.  I do have an insatiable need to watch the weather segment. This despite the fact that they pretty much tell us what the weather did all day, and then guess at tomorrow.)

Do you go to the movies or wait for them on cable?
(I prefer to watch them at home.
I can't resist that buttered popcorn smell and it costs more than the movie tickets and I'm cheap. Plus I can CONTROL the movie and not miss a scene when I have to inevitably have a potty break.  Better lighting for knitting during movies at home, no question. )

Thanks and I wish you all a great MONDAY! 


Suburban prep said…
My husband falls asleep most nights on the La-Z-Boy love seat we have and then has a difficult time falling asleep once he gets into bed. My mother will move to their La-Z-Boy and fall asleep there easier sometimes than in the bed. My father loves sitting in the chair as well.
Anonymous said…
Fezzik doesn't show up on the blog NEARLY enough! LOL

Movie prices!!! WOW!

My answers are over on my blog:
Vera said…
*Do you love Noro or not so much?
Love the colors, but the one time I tried to knit with it I had major problems…ripped it out and now the beautiful yarn is in my stash…and has been for years. I may need to try again.
*Are you more likely to wear a poncho or a shawl?

Definitely a shawl, though I am tempted with a poncho…reminds me of the 60’s.
*Which brings you more joy, Casting on or Casting off?

Both! I love the thrill of casting on a new project and I love finishing one up (so that I can cast on a new one).
*Are you more likely to knit a baby a hat or booties?
I’ll say hat since I’ve knit one or two and have never knit booties.
*Does anyone in your family fall asleep in a chair or do they fall asleep in bed?
My husband dozes in the chair after dinner.
*Would you rather win a hot air balloon ride or a dinner cruise?
I guess a dinner cruise… but not too long, please…and healthy food (not sure that happens with dinner cruises). Hot air balloons scare me.
*Do you watch the awful news or do you avoid it?
Definitely avoid it. Too much of the same old, same old or too sensationalistic. Makes me crazy.
Do you go to the movies or wait for them on cable?
I’m not a huge movie fan, but when I do watch, I prefer to be home…less noisy (other people and the volume in theatres is so loud), less $$, I can pause and walk around if I get bored, etc.

Fezzik is so cute!!!
Araignee said…
1. Hate Noro. It's always full of knots. It does felt well but I hate working with it.
2. Shawl. I wear them all the time. Not the fancy lace ones though. Too costumey except for at fiber fests. I wear the plain rectangle ones most.
3. Hmmm....equal. On and off for me. I'm just excitable, I guess.
4. I always do a duo. Hat and booties that match when I gift baby knits.
5. We both love our beds. Yes, I said beds. The Mister and I have our own rooms now that the kids are all gone. I stay up all night knitting and watching Netflix in mine and he likes to read in the quiet. It works for us.
6. No boats, no things in the air for me. I like my feet on the ground.
7. I'm a news junkie. I listen to NPR all day and check my Google news often. It's a sickness I want to cure because it always makes me unhappy.
8. DVD. There are few movies I really want to see anymore and when there is, I buy it and then we have a movie night. I love my DVD collection. I want to watch what I want to watch when I want to watch it.
kathy b said…
Araignee, No bed judgement here ! Whatever makes a great marriage works, works!

Vera, baby booties are a bit fiddly I think. I don't sew , so I dont add adorable buttons and things to embellish them. My recollection in the NICU was that they always fell off at some point. Still a diapered baby with booties for a photo shoot is darling!

Dee Thanks for always Memeing.

Suburban prep, the Laz Y Boy is too akward for me to ever fall asleep in. Im a side sleeper. Fireman...on his back!
Betsy said…

*Do you love Noro or not so much? I don't care much for Noro.

*Are you more likely to wear a poncho or a shawl? Well, I made a poncho last year in grays and blacks that I love, but have only worn it once. I've knitted lots of shawls as gifts and have kept a few. I usually use them more as neck scarves under my winter coat that as typical shawls over the shoulders.

*Which brings you more joy, Casting on or Casting off? I love both. The newness of a project and the anticipation of all of the possibilities. Casting off means I can either gift it or wear the object and that brings me lots of joy.

*Are you more likely to knit a baby a hat or booties? Both! I love to make both for the new babies at the hospital. I tend to make baby socks though instead of booties.

*Does anyone in your family fall asleep in a chair or do they fall asleep in bed? My Husband often falls asleep at night in his chair.

*Would you rather win a hot air balloon ride or a dinner cruise? A dinner cruise for sure. We took one on Maui a few years ago and had a lovely dinner and also saw whales breaching which was an unexpected bonus.

*Do you watch the awful news or do you avoid it? I used to watch it but now I try to avoid it because it's so awful anymore.

Do you go to the movies or wait for them on cable? Definitely wait until they're on cable. I can't even remember the last movie we went to.

Thanks for the fun!
Katherine said…
Those leaf scarves are so cute! Fezzik knows cute when he sees it!
* I love the colors offered by Noro but P-L-E-E-E-A-S-E don't make me knit with it.
* I am a poncho person. I have given away most of the shawls that I've knitted because I never wear them.
* I must be a product knitter rather than a process knitter because I love to cast off and have a finished product. When I am casting on I usually think something like, "250 stitches, I'll never get this thing finished."
* I don't enjoy knitting itty-bitty things so baby hats are better for me.
* Sweet Bill falls asleep in his chair a lot. That's usually when I mute the sound on the TV and pick up my book. It's amazing that he doesn't have any problems sleeping in bed no matter how much he sleeps in the chair.
* Dinner cruise!!!! I don't go up in anything due to heights issues.
* I usually spend a half hour or so everyday skimming several news sources, but I never, ever, ever watch TV news. If I did I would never be able to sleep.
* I seldom go to a movie. I think it has been two years since the last one. If there is one I want to see, and that's not very often, I wait and watch them on my Kindle.
Tired Teacher said…
* Do you love Noro or not so much? I love the colors and how they blend well together from skein to skein, but I wish it were softer and more consistent in ply.

*Are you more likely to wear a poncho or a shawl? hands down - a shawl. Just seeing a poncho gives me chills and not so pleasant memories of high school.

*Which brings you more joy, Casting on or Casting off? Casting off because it means I've finished a project.

*Are you more likely to knit a baby a hat or booties? Hats, hats, hats. Booties are cute but worthless for babies - they kick them off quicker than I can knit them. I might knit baby socks, but not very often.

*Does anyone in your family fall asleep in a chair or do they fall asleep in bed? Hmm, before I retired I was constantly nodding off in my recliner in the evenings.

*Would you rather win a hot air balloon ride or a dinner cruise? Hot air balloon ride

*Do you watch the awful news or do you avoid it? If there was more on than the crazy political rhetoric I would watch the news. As it is, watching just make me angry that the Presidential election campaign has been reduced to nasty comments and nothing of substance pertaining to our country's future leader. Can you tell I'm disgusted with both candidates.

Do you go to the movies or wait for them on cable? I prefer to wait until they are on Netflix. I haven't seen a movie in a theater in years and don't feel like I've missed anything.
Teresa Kasner said…
*Do you love Noro or not so much?

*Are you more likely to wear a

*Which brings you more joy, Casting on or Casting off?

*Are you more likely to knit a baby a hat or booties?

*Does anyone in your family fall asleep in a chair or do they fall asleep in bed?

*Would you rather win a hot air balloon ride or a dinner cruise?

*Do you watch the awful news or do you avoid it?

*Do you go to the movies or wait for them on cable?
elns said…
Haha Kathy i love the Monday Memes! You always make me smile and laugh. I'm going to answer, but I'll go post the answers on my blog. xoxo
1. Hate is such a strong word when it's involving a yarn. I'll just say it's not my favorite.
2. Poncho Love Ponchos!
3. Casting on for sure.
4. Both I like to make a matching set.
5. I've actually fallen asleep while knitting and spinning!
6. Neither. I like to keep my feet on the ground.
7. Always watch it. I have to know what's going on around me.
8. Both But mostly watch at home.
Delighted Hands said…
I don't care for knitting with Noro but the colors are tempting.
I will stay home for Netflix...not much for going to theater but every so often I am tempted to go there! I fly to see family...knitting is my security 'blanket' !
Two days late, but here I go

*Do you love Noro or not so much?

I have only squished some, not worked with it, but squishing it didn't make me want to buy it...

*Are you more likely to wear a poncho or a shawl?

Shawls - because I don't have any ponchos, but I do sometimes struggle to get them to look how I want them to...

*Which brings you more joy, Casting on or Casting off?

It genuinely depends on what I am working on!

*Are you more likely to knit a baby a hat or booties?


*Does anyone in your family fall asleep in a chair or do they fall asleep in bed?

Both - which is very annoying!

*Would you rather win a hot air balloon ride or a dinner cruise?

Dinner cruise - dinner!!

*Do you watch the awful news or do you avoid it?

Avoid if I can!

Do you go to the movies or wait for them on cable?

DVD or on the TV for me!

Hope you are having a good week!
Anonymous said…
1. I have yet to knit w/Noro; it seems so scratchy though.
2. Probably a shawl because I never think to wear a poncho which is weird b/c I consider myself to be a hesitant shawl knitter b/c they don't see easy to wear.
3. I say both, CO & BO.
4. Baby hat for sure!
5. OMGosh, my husband will fall asleep anywhere after a big, family meal. Before my brother and SIL had a couch, they had these floor pillows. The husband laid out on the hardwood floor and napped.
6. Dinner cruise I guess although the last time I was on a ferry I felt the motion.
7. It's depressing to see so many murdered titles in my iPhone newsfeed. Most of the time I just skip them.
8. It has to be a really good movie for us to see in the theater, usually one of the husband's preferred genre or a kid one.
Unknown said…
Love your blog you do a great job

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