Monday Meme on TUESDAY , Yes or No

For your viewing pleasure , I give you "LAKE" from Simple Knitting 1 2 3, August 2014.

Now on with the Meme, YES?

Yes or No:

*Will you be watching the Summer Olympics?

*Is School OUT yet in your neighborhood?

*Did you go to summer camp?

*Do you display your needles?

*Have you been on Ravelry this week?

*Do you walk outside at night?

*Do you think in metric?

*Do you want a swap?

*Are you afraid of mosquito borne illness?

*Have you knit a Christmas or Holiday gift for 2016 yet?

My Answers: 

Yes!  Love summer Olympics

No. School is out next week here.

No.  I longed to be in summer camp when I watched Haley Mills in the Parent Trap

Yes. I do display my straights in a pretty aqua vase.

Yes. I'm on Ravelry every day. 

Yes. I love to walk at dusk outside. 

No.  I never made the metric leap. 

Yes.  I feel like being in a swap.

No.  I have a screened porch.

Yes.  I have knit two leaf scarves as gifts and several pairs of socks for this years Holiday gifts. 

Happy Delayed Monday Meme.
It is Tuesday folks, although it sure feels like Monday. 
I'm going to be messed up all week. Yes? Yes!


Katherine said…
1. No, for some reason I never have been able to get into the summer olympics. It's probably because I am not thrilled with the winter olympics--except skiing.
2. School was out here last Thursday. The kids in our neighborhood are out and visible. The dogs bark constantly because they want to go out and play with them.
3. I went to summer camp every year from 4th grade through 8th grade. I was an only child and my mom and dad thought I spent too much time alone and needed to socialize.
4. I used to display my needles on a wall-hanging system in my sewing room. Now I keep them in a bag next to my chair so I don't have to go get them. Lazy, lazy, lazy!!
5. I don't spend much time on Ravelry--only when I am looking for a pattern.
6. I don't walk outside at night but I sit on the patio a lot to knit and watch the dogs play.
7. No, I refuse to give up "the old way."
8. It's been a while since I've been in a swap. I could do that!
9. No, we have solar bug zappers all around the patio and I wear an insect repellent bracelet.
10. I am well into Christmas with three gifts completed and a scarf on the needles.
Anonymous said…
Happy Monday on Tuesday to you too!

My answers are on my blog.
Tired Teacher said…
1. I'm with Katherine on this one - I don't watch the Summer Olympics.
2. Yes, the buses left the school grounds early Friday afternoon for grades 6-12: elementary were dismissed on Thurs. or Wed.
3. No summer camp for me, as there were chores to do.
4. I display my older, straight needles, but the circulars are organized in a binder.
5. I haven't been on Ravelry for over three weeks..
6. No, I don't walk at night: too many crazy things happen at night.
7. Metric is difficult for me, but I use it sometimes.
8. I'd love to swap
9. Yes, especially West Nile. This area is hit hard in the summer because of all the irrigation. The towns spray one to two nights a week during peak times. Mosquito traps are everywhere, and the species are counted to determine high risk areas. I avoid going out when they are active, and use repellent with DEET if I do go out.
10. No, but I give gifts during the year.
elns said…
Happy Tuesday, Kathy!

*Will you be watching the Summer Olympics? I hope to. Though I'm really obsessing for the Eurocup 2016
*Is School OUT yet in your neighborhood? Yes The Kid is free range this week, but we are making sure he has responsibilities and activities each day.
*Did you go to summer camp? I finally got my dream to go to sports camp when I was in Middle School (on scholarship) I wanted sleep away camp so bad but we couldn't afford it. The irony is that I have the means to send my child and he has NEVER wanted to go. A true homebody. Good thing we like him ;)
*Do you display your needles? I don't. My world is cluttered it's amazing I don't.
*Have you been on Ravelry this week? Not this week. But now I need to, thanks for the distraction Kathy, ha!
*Do you walk outside at night? Yes, but usually with a destination. Returning from the gym work, dinner.
*Do you think in metric? Only for runs as in 5k 10k 12k.
*Do you want a swap? With you and your knitting pals? Absolutely.
*Are you afraid of mosquito borne illness? I should be, but no because there is no reason. if I was traveling, possibly. Fear is easy for me to tap into ;)
*Have you knit a Christmas or Holiday gift for 2016 yet? Nope, but I have summer goals.
Anonymous said…
1. No, no cable here as we have Hulu, etc.
2. No, June 8th is the last day, thank goodness a half day.
3. I went to summer camp but not a sleepaway one.
4. No; at first I wanted more needle rolls but got over it and store needles by size in small Ziplocs.
5. Yes, to update projects and start new ones.
6. No nighttime walks.
7. Only when I talk about running a 5K.
8. Maybe.
9. Kind of but we're paranoid about mosquitoes in general after our last experience.
10. You bet but just HFO's.
Araignee said…
1. Yep! Even though I will complain the whole time about the terrible NBC coverage.
2. No. We had lots of snow days to make up.
3. Never. I do have the letters my mom wrote home when she was at camp. She apparently hated camp.
4. In a jar with a crocheted cover sent to me by a blog friend.
5. Of course. I check in a few times a day to see if I have any messages.
6. Not in summer. Mosquitoes love me.
7. No, it's very confusing to me.
8. No. I just spent $$$$ mailing off soap last week so I'm good for now.
9. No, just afraid of them in general since I'm allergic and I swell like crazy.
10. No. I gave up making stuff for people unless they ask for something specific.
Teresa Kasner said…
*Will you be watching the Summer Olympics? NOT ON PURPOSE. :-)
*Is School OUT yet in your neighborhood? NOT UNTIL FRIDAY.
*Do you display your needles? I HAVE THEM IN 2 VINTAGE BALL PINT JARS.
*Have you been on Ravelry this week? I GO MOST DAYS TO SEE WHAT'S GOING ON IN "WE LOVE LUCY" GROUP.
*Do you walk outside at night? SURE.
*Do you think in metric? NO WAY.
*Are you afraid of mosquito borne illness? ZIKA.. HECK YES.
*Have you knit a Christmas or Holiday gift for 2016 yet? PFFFT.. THAT'S FOR ORGANIZED PEOPLE. :-)
Delighted Hands said…
Olympics-no, but I will knit during it!
School out-yes, tho it doesn't matter to me....
summer camp-No! I was and am a home body!
display needles-No, in a to go bag
Ravelry-yes, once a day
Night-yes, sometimes
metric! NONONO
Swap-no, too disappointing
Mosquitos-no, I'm a deet fan
Christmas knitting yet-No, I tend not to for holidays
Betsy said…
No Summer Olympics for me although I do like the winter games.
School is still in session for a few more weeks.
Yes, Girl Scout camp
Yes. I have a HUGE delftware mug that they're in
Yes, every day
Yes, especially at the lake.
Nope. I've never understood it.
I haven't had a lot of luck with swaps.
I wasn't until Zika showed up.
Yes. Two are done and another almost finished.

Happy Tuesday!
Judy S. said…
Will you be watching the Summer Olympics? Yes, especially the synchronized swimming.

*Is School OUT yet in your neighborhood? Nope, most of them go through the 16th or so.

*Did you go to summer camp? Yes, a couple of times as a kid and then I worked at a couple of GS camps for 7 summers.

*Do you display your needles? No.

*Have you been on Ravelry this week? Yes, I check in there a couple times a week.

*Do you walk outside at night?

*Do you think in metric? NO!

*Do you want a swap? I always enjoy your swaps.

*Are you afraid of mosquito borne illness? No afraid, but I certainly respect them. Our Daniel got West Nile when we had a family gathering in MN four years ago.

*Have you knit a Christmas or Holiday gift for 2016 yet? Yes, the cat scarf. Have a couple other things in the works, too.

karen said…
who isn't on ravelry every day?? I have to see what patterns are up and coming and possibly free :)

school is still in session here and I am not a metric thinker at all.
Vera said…
*Will you be watching the Summer Olympics?
Yes! As much as I can…or until all the jabbering gets on my nerves.

*Is School OUT yet in your neighborhood?
Nope – not yet. I think in a week or two.

*Did you go to summer camp?
Once – did NOT like it.

*Do you display your needles?
No, I keep them in various cases.

*Have you been on Ravelry this week?
Yep – this morning before leaving the house for work.

*Do you walk outside at night?
Sometimes. My husband walks almost every night around 11 p.m. – I’m fast asleep by that time.

*Do you think in metric?

*Do you want a swap?
Sure – that would be fun!!

*Are you afraid of mosquito borne illness?
No, but I’m conscious of bugs and try to avoid. I hate bug spray though and I’m sure the chemicals aren’t good for a body either.

*Have you knit a Christmas or Holiday gift for 2016 yet?
No…I need to start pronto.
1. yes Love synchronized swimming
2. no
3. no
4. no My little hooligans would eat them
5. yes I'm still trying to find my way around there though
6. yes Love evening walks
7. good lord no
8. no
9. yes but we really don't have any here
10. Do people do that already?!!! I'm knitting dish rags for everyone but that's not for christmas. That's just something I do all the time. LOL
*Will you be watching the Summer Olympics?
No - not really my thing

*Is School OUT yet in your neighborhood?
The universities/colleges are, but the grade high schools go right to the end of June.

*Did you go to summer camp?
Only once, with Girl Guides. I got to play with a three-month-old baby tiger, it was the best!

*Do you display your needles?
No.. they are pretty enough too, but Dave doesn't like clutter, so they are (mostly) tucked away

*Have you been on Ravelry this week?
Yep - lots!

*Do you walk outside at night?
All the time. We live in a very safe area. That doesn't mean I'm not cautious, but there generally not much need for concern around here.

*Do you think in metric?
Being Canadian and under 40, I grew up with metric, but there are still something I do in imperial - mostly because I learned them from Mom... mainly baking (I always use cups adn tsp instead of litres and millitres) and sewing/knitting... there I work in inches.

*Do you want a swap?
Im not much of a swapper, I always procrastinate going to the post office.

*Are you afraid of mosquito borne illness?
Not really, we are pretty good about keeping the populations down here and wearing spray when we know they will be bad.

*Have you knit a Christmas or Holiday gift for 2016 yet?
Nope - and I'm kinda thinking of not doing any this year. We've already decided we are only gifting the kids this year, so I'll probably stick with toys and gift cards.

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