Gifts and my Thirst for Knowledge...

Ahhhh, what have we here?

Goodies, that's what. 

The lovely and kind Kim of Handeye 
totally made my day yesterday with these gifts.

That red bag with a zipper....
purrrfect for keeping His Highness out of my knitting when I set it down. 

The yellow yarn could NOT be more cheerful.
It is made by Knitology in Sweet Canary colors. 

In addition she sent me the perfect sock pattern to go with this yarn and true to Kim's generosity she knows my skill level.  I can knit the Slippery Socks by Jean Knapp.  
I know I can, because I have already read the pattern ...twice. 

Yarn ladies, we love to give and it is so fun to have awesome mail arrive unexpectedly. 

Just one more thing today, 
I made a decision not to learn to sew. 
I carefully considered it and discussed it with a friend who sews beautifully.  Too many steps.
I don't even know where my iron is.... 

I thought about taking horseback riding lessons again, but that's a slippery slope for me. 
I think I'll just go pet the horses at the stable and watch other people take the risk...or ride.  

I am itchy to learn something new ....
I've been thinking of needle felting for a long while. 
I think I'll find a class and take it.  

Or do you have another idea for me? 
It has to be fun
cause that's just how I am. 


Linda said…
Really love that yellow yarn!!!! so cheery....
I was enjoying punch needle - but it uses a lot of thread. You might want to try that out. I've always wanted to learn how to tat lace!

Linda in VA
I have only done one needle felting thing, but oh gosh, I could see how people love it! Hope that you have fun!! xx
Anonymous said…
You changed your blog theme ^__^ as I just noticed commenting doesn't open to another tab. I love horses but don't like riding one. I guess b/c they're so tall off the ground and I'd be way up. I've done horseback riding as a kid in Tahoe and my horse the last time would have to get this bit of grass off of a little ledge a bit down from where we were. I got a view of down. That freaked me out.
I feel responding is like sending thank you notes, ya know? I did try that responding back in the comment section; I can from the WP app on my phone. But no one really checks back so I thought about going back to email but sometimes I get backlogged and want to say something back quicker. So like now, I''ll go to the person's blog if she has one.
Anonymous said…
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...take the riding lessons. Communing with the horses is a great experience. Or take up ice skating --- the closest your can come to total freedom for your feet. It's almost like FLYING!
Betsy said…
Such sweet unexpected gifts! The yarn reminds me of the sunshine of spring. Pretty. Pretty. I've been thinking about trying counted cross stitch again, but these 56 year old eyes sometimes have trouble with that. I did always enjoy it though. I adore horses. Petting them. Since I'm afraid of heights, the riding of them has always been rather scary to me. Happy weekend!
Meredith said…
I am a mess at needle felting, I am not patient enough, I vote for weaving!!!!!! You will love it.
Araignee said…
Finally...the yellow yarn I was searching everywhere for. I do love yellow socks!
Gracie Saylor said…
There are so many skills I want to learn that its difficult to sort through what to suggest for you...but I have a little lap loom that I have been wanting to play with, so I vote with Meredith, kathy b :) xx
Kim in Oregon said…
Needle felting is fun. How about also knitting with beads?
Katherine said…
Oh I love the yellow yarn!! I can't wear yellow near my face so I love wearing yellow socks and have knit three pairs. I like to pet horses too. The ones that stick their heads over our back fence and beg for carrots or apples as so sweet, but the last time I rode a horse I was around 15. Better to just pet them!
Tired Teacher said…
What sweet gifts, especially the cheerful, yellow yarn.

I'm not very good at needle-felting, but some people make gorgeous items.
I've always wanted to try weaving but it does look like it could be a bit tedious. Pottery is another thing on my list of interesting things to learn but needle felting sounds fun too.
Teresa Kasner said…
Very nice gifts you were sent. That yarn is very happy and I love bags of any size, shape or color. I'm a bag-a-holic. We're at the beach and it was warm and dry when we got here - the trailer is all set up and sun has gone down and it's raining a good sounding rain on the metal roof. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Delighted Hands said…
Yellow yarn is perfect! Have fun with the new skill!
I enjoy some sewing, but I do find it a lot tougher than knitting. And with knitting you can rip and reuse the yarn. With sewing, you make a mistake, you often have to get more fabric.

The yellow yarn is lovely -that will make perfect for the depths of dreary winter.
Judy S. said…
Nice yarn! I love your daffodils but couldn't comment on that post. I've been living in the yard/garden this week and am way behind on blogging. Love that Lover's Knot scarf, too. Knitting travels way better than sewing! (IMHO)

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