Saturday's Thoughts

 This picture of Jessie's Girl was hanging around my LYS.
I think I could knit this.
I may have to check out the pattern. 
 Teacher Linda is teaching a Rug class.
She made this table runner with doubled Cascade 220.
She said it is a bit cumbersome to knit, but isn't it pretty?
For those who ask what I'm reading, I'm watching.
I watched Alpha Dogs about police dog work. 
It was cool.
I watched the Lives of Dolphins which is old but beautifully filmed.
I watched a program on Alzeheimers...
and the 
best was the movie 
It came out in 2014. It is a documentary about the new generation of Farmers in the USA.  Fascinating and beautifully filmed.

What are you watching while you knit? 


Kim in Oregon said…
House of Cards!
Betsy said…
Fixer Upper on HGTV! Love Chip and Joanna. I want to move to Texas and buy a house for them to remodel for me. :-). That table runner is beautiful.
Teresa Kasner said…
We're watching Food Network. That really is a gorgeous table runner. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Caffeine Girl said…
I just finished the Netflix series Frankie and Grace -- and I can't recommend it strongly enough!
Stefanie said…
I like the simplicity of Jesse's Girl besides that it looks lightweight. I have that in my faves. I don't normally watch something while I knit. I usually listen to an audiobook but once in a while I may watch a podcast.
kathy b said…
Deb I loved Frankie and Grace also
KSD said…
One of my biggest weaknesses is service dogs. I think I've seen "Alpha Dogs"; it seems familiar.
Tired Teacher said…
I watch Netflix on the iPad when sewing and knitting. I also like to listen to the Serial podcast.
Araignee said…
Jane the Virgin. It's hilarious.
I also love that table runner. That's a crazy amount of patience there!
Unknown said…
I'm currently listening to Stephen King's Dark Tower series and I've fallen in love with the Thinking Sideways podcast. That runner is beautiful!
Anonymous said…

Always hockey ------------ unless it is baseball or football.
karen said…
I usually watch netflix, either gilmore girls or merlin these days :)
Delighted Hands said…
Nice knitting inspirations! I watch Netflix...Rosemary and Thyme or Foyle; things like that-Never sports!
I've been watching Frankie and Grace also. Love it and hope they come out with a new series.
elns said…
Here is the plan Kathy, you are going to knit that Jessie's Girl and then tell me whether or not I should do it. I like to knit and watch sports. The best sport for it of course is baseball. Aside from that, I'm with Delighted Hands and love me a good mystery or PBS show. The boys got me a new dvd player for my bedroom so I did spend a little time with Persuasion or Jane Austen this weekend. Based on your interests, I would recommend Planet Earth series, informative and pretty.

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