Monday Meme Number 12 2016

 1. Last thing you finished: 
This ONE ROW Wonder by Allison Griffith.  
Finished last night. 
Easy peasy knitting. 
Madelintosh in gold segment
followed by very old fuzzy sock leftover yarn that I couldn't part with years ago. 
2. Favorite pattern to knit again and again: Is this cheating? 
This ONE ROW wonder will be knit again and again by me. 
I love a scarfy shawlette.

3. Do you prefer to drive or fly ?
Sometimes I like to fly.  I can manage about 9 hours max in the car without going bonkers.  

4. Do you use a paper map or your phone's directions.
Bye Bye paper maps.  Fireman always laughed at how I had to turn the map in the direction we were going...and I was a bad navigator. 

5. Would you rather a National park or an Amusement Park?
National Park!

6. Do you like to go to the same place for vacation over and over or somewhere new?  
When my father had a cabin in Northern Wisconsin we went there and only there for years.  We were beyond happy to go there.   I knew what to expect and I felt so at home knowing the area.  I like to repeat, but there are so many parts of this country I want to see.

7. Car knitting necessitates ingenuity sometimes. How ingenious have you had to be?  I dropped a needle between the seat and the console......actually I do this all the time....and I've had to resort to all kinds of gymnastics to get that darn needle.   But I've never lost one to the car. 

8. Have you ever seen another knitting in the passenger seat knitting on the road?  Never.  Have you?

9. Do you collect anything on vacation?  
I collect patterns from Knit shops I visit if it is a shop pattern. 

10.  Do you get homesick? 
All the time.  I'm a wimp.  I'm a homebody.  So I bring my knitting with me and it is my security blanket..  


Vera said…
1. Last thing I finished: A pair of plain socks knit with yarn I bought last fall at the Finger Lakes Fiber festival.
2. Thing to knit again and again: socks – plain…don’t really follow a pattern, but nothing fancy.
3. Drive or fly: both. Love car trips and being able to explore back roads, etc. Flying can get me there quicker (like across the country), but it does cut down on what I can purchase and bring back – ha-ha.
4. Paper map or phone’s directions: We keep an atlas (50 states) in the car, but use a Garmin GPS too.
5. National Park or Amusement Park: Definitely National Park
6. Vacation at the same place or somewhere new: Like you, I spent years and years going to the same cottage on a lake in Vermont. It was wonderful and I miss it still. But, it is fun to discover new places – and find some that you would love to go back to time and again.
7. Car knitting ingenuity: Just trying not to lose count of stitches while trying to hold a conversation/answer a question/look out the window/look at the GPS or the atlas. I’ve dropped needles on the floor, but thankfully not between seats!
8. Seen others knitting on the road: Several times.
9. Collect anything on vacation: pieces of nature: shells, pinecones, rocks, etc. And, of course, souvenir yarn!
10. Do you get homesick: Yup. Miss my kitty when we are on the road. And nothing feels as good as my own bed the first night home from a vacation.

Thanks for another fun Meme Kathy!
Anonymous said…
Time to play...
1. Last thing I finished was not of fiber but of savory and sweet - corned beef, cabbage, and apple cake; the crew devoured what was left from Saturday's dinner last night.

2. I think the patterns I've knitted more than once was Flax by Tin Can Knits, something I would probably knit for myself; Baby Bear Hat by Gilda Knits, a simple baby gift; in-threes, a baby cardigan, by Kelly Herdrich - the adult pattern I wouldn't mind knitting for myself; and Sideways Grand Cloche by Laura Irwin, a chic, Modern-vintage hat I need to reknit for myself in a snappy or neutral color.

3. If it's too far to travel to, like San Diego, we'd fly. It's easy with the girls being older now.

4. Google Maps rock and is the best.

5. I've never been to a National Park; I'd love to one day.

6. I can holiday on Oahu all the time as it's like paradise for me but there are so many places in our country and across the pond I wanna visit.

7. N/A

8. No.

9. I try to buy a magnet from where we visit.

10. Nothing like my own bed but I do love exploring places.
Tired Teacher said…
1. Last thing I finished: A Brickless shawl - yarn from stash
2. Thing to knit again and again: Baby Surprise Jackets and socks
3. Drive or fly: When I have time, I like to drive and spend time exploring small towns or interesting sites. Driving is definitely cheaper than flying. The convenience does NOT justify the expense and hassle.
4. Paper map or phone’s directions: I keep an atlas and maps in my car. I know too many people who were put in harm's way because they blindly trusted their phone or GPS, especially in rural areas.
5. National Park or Amusement Park: Natl. Park every time.
6. Vacation at the same place or somewhere new: I don't take vacations very often, so I prefer new places to explore.
7. Car knitting ingenuity: Using the ends of pencil erasers for needle protectors and cutting a straw to create a stitch marker.
8. Seen others knitting on the road: Yes, I have.
9. Collect anything on vacation: memories captured with photographs, sometimes yarn and fabric.
10. Do you get homesick: No, but I get tired of living out of a suitcase.
Anonymous said…
Answers are over on my blog.

Love reading everyones' #7 ---- we are an ingenious bunch!
Caffeine Girl said…
1. I last finished a pair of Blueberry Waffle socks;

2. Favorite pattern to knit over and over: Hermoine's Everyday Socks

3. Do you prefer to drive or fly ? Fly

4. Do you use a paper map or your phone's directions: Phone

5. National Park!

6. Do you like to go to the same place for vacation over and over or somewhere new?
It's a toss up!

7. Car knitting necessitates ingenuity sometimes. How ingenious have you had to be? Not very

8. Have you ever seen another knitting in the passenger seat knitting on the road? Never. Have you? Never

9. Do you collect anything on vacation?
I collect patterns, too. Sometimes yarn.

10. Do you get homesick? Only if I'm not traveling with Keith.
Betsy said…
1. Last thing I finished: A pair of mittens for the school children. 59 pair since January 1!

2. Thing to knit again and again: mittens and baby hats for the hospital

3. Drive or fly: Drive if within a day drive. Unfortunately we have a child living in Japan, it's a little hard to drive there. :-). I used to love to fly, but now we're crammed in there so tight it's not fun anymore.

4. Paper map or phone’s directions: I keep an atlas in my car and we also use a Tom Tom.

5. National Park or Amusement Park: always a National Park. We've been to many.

6. Vacation at the same place or somewhere new: We go to our kids homes over and over and also the Oregon coast. But, I love to go to new places too.

7. Car knitting ingenuity: I always have several projects with me. Nothing very inventive though.

8. Seen others knitting on the road: Oh yes! Lots of people knit on airplanes. One truck driver who passed us on the road and saw me knitting talked to us at a rest area and showed me a sweater he was knitting in his off time. That was fun..

9. Collect anything on vacation: magnets with the name of the place. They're small and easy to carry and yet remind me of the place.

10. Do you get homesick: only of my husband is home and I'm gone. If we're together I'm go to go for as long as we can be gone.
Meredith said…
Can I just join in by saying I LOVE that scarf/shawl. Amazing!
Great yarn combo on your lovely new shawl! Enjoy wearing it!!! xx
Araignee said…
1. The handspun vest I made. It's too itchy to wear though so I have no idea what to do with it.
2. Hermoine's Socks, Pimpliesse scarf.
3. Drive. Never flown. Never will.
4. Paper and the GPS. I usually need both.
5. I would have said National until I went to Disney. I LOVED Disney.
6. We used to always go to either New Orleans or Montreal. Love both.
7. Car knitting? I am rethinking it. I just heard a thing on NPR about how dangerous it is with air bags. Waaaaaaah....
8. Nope. Maybe they are smarter than me.
9. Shot glasses.
10.Terribly. I am NOT a good traveler. I would rather be home.
Teresa Kasner said…
1. Last thing you finished: DOES CROCHET COUNT? A LITTLE GIRL HAT.
2. Favorite pattern to knit again and again: Is this cheating? THERE IS NO SIN IN REPEATING A FAVORITE PATTERN.
3. Do you prefer to drive or fly? DRIVE.
4. Do you use a paper map or your phone's directions. I MAINLY USE MY PHONE NOW. BUT I LIKE A PAPER MAP TOO.
5. Would you rather a National park or an Amusement Park? GIVE ME NATURE ANYTIME.
6. Do you like to go to the same place for vacation over and over or somewhere new? BOTH - I LIKE TRADITION AND ADVENTURE.
7. Car knitting necessitates ingenuity sometimes. How ingenious have you had to be? I USUALLY DRIVE SO DON'T CRAFT.
8. Have you ever seen another knitting in the passenger seat knitting on the road? I DON'T THINK I HAVE.
9. Do you collect anything on vacation? USUALLY SOMETHING, NOT ALWAYS THE SAME THING.
10. Do you get homesick? NOT REALLY, I LOVE SEEING NEW PLACES.
karen said…
I am a homebody too!! I am also a terrible navigator and I love the phone directions now!! like you I enjoy a scarfy shawl :) we have a lot in common :)
Delighted Hands said…
Love to read these...I am a homebody and get homesick every time I travel. I gypsy traveled the whole I am happy to fly to get there. I prefer to go to parks not crazy tourist places. I knit when I travel and have rarely seen someone else doing so. I love to read paper maps but use GPS when driving now. I am a repeat knitter....
elns said…
I have seen another knitter as a passenger. I was very excited a little too excited and embarrassed my family flopping around in the car.

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