Monday Meme #11

 This is the first of my ThreeIrishGirls socks.  The yarn is heavenly. 

#1 Do you have a favorite sock yarn?

#2 Do you knit top down or toe up?

#3 Have you ever knit a Holiday Stocking?

#4 Have you tried KnittersPride Karbon needles?

#5 Do you knit through the back loop on your gusset pick ups on the first round?

#6 Do you know someone famous who knit socks?

#7 It is Pi Day.  This is Miss Pie's designated Birthday. 
She is 3 now. 
Will you have Pie today?

#8 Have you seen the see through clogs that show off your handknit socks?

#9 What's the biggest pair of socks you've ever knitted?

#10 What color is your current or last pair of knit socks?

My Answers: 

1. I have many favorites: (but do share, I'd like to try more)
I love Happy Feet yarn for the price and the colors.
I love Lorna's laces sock yarns for the wear.
I now love Three Irish Girls Yarns. 

2. I only knit top down.  The whole toe thing still makes me concentrate hard in the end.  Why knit toe up?

3. I knit a Holiday Stocking for my sister but I don't think she uses it.   It does fix second sock syndrome, that's for sure. 

4. I just bought my first package of Karbon Sock needles and I do love them.  My woods were splitting on the ends.  I haven't bent the  Karbon's yet!

5. Knitting through the back loop on the first gusset round really eliminates that holey look.  This was Yarn Harlots suggestion. It works!

6. I just learned that Nancy Reagan knit Ronnie socks all the time. 

7. I will have one bite of Cherry Pie in Miss Pie's honor today.

8. I think those see through clogs are a riot but I dont like how they look with jeans.  I'll stick to my clogs and let the back of the socks show off as I walk down the street!

9.  The largest pair of socks was a pair I knit for Fireman years ago.  They were knee socks for cross country skiing.  He didn't really fall in love with them.  He doesn't really like my socks.  More for me!

10. As you can see my current sock knit up is a fantastic array of bright and cheery colors.  Boy do we need it here in the cloudy damp cold Midwest March!  


Betsy said…

#1 Do you have a favorite sock yarn? I use lots of different sock yarns but always go for the ones with some acrylic so they can be machine washable for my kids.

#2 Do you knit top down or toe up? Top down. I have tried toe up but must have a brain glitch somewhere because it makes no sense to me.

#3 Have you ever knit a Holiday Stocking? There HUGE ones for Brad, Mandy and Piper.

#4 Have you tried KnittersPride Karbon needles? Nope. I just use my clover bamboo needles for socks.

#5 Do you knit through the back loop on your gusset pick ups on the first round? Nope. Should try it though if it works so well. :-)

#6 Do you know someone famous who knit socks? Not really. Can I borrow Nancy Reagan from you?

#7 It is Pi Day. Will you have Pie today? Probably not.

#8 Have you seen the see through clogs that show off your handknit socks? Nope

#9 What's the biggest pair of socks you've ever knitted? For my son.

#10 What color is your current or last pair of knit socks? Tones of blue and purple.

Happy Monday!

Katherine said…
1. I'm a Blue Moon kind of girl! I really like all weights of their yarns.
2. I always knit socks top down because they never fit right if I knit them toe up.
3. I have never knit a Holiday stocking but I say I will every year. I guess I should make it a New Year's resolution--not that I would do it then either.
4. Love, love, love Knitters Pride needles!
5. I haven't tried the KTB method on the first gusset row but I will now.
6. Yes I do know a knitting celebrity--KathyB!
7. Happy Birthday Pie. I think that warrants two bites of cherry pie.
8. Mmmmmm, see through clogs? I don't think so.
9. I once knit a pair of mens size 13 socks for son-in-law.
10. I'm knitting blue/gray variegated socks now. I love your cheery socks! My colors are more suited to the kind of weather we are all having right now.
Tired Teacher said…
1. Regia, Opal, Cherry Tree Hill, and Patons KROY

2. Top down, exclusively

3. I've knit three Holiday Stockings - sold two and gave the other one away

4. No - I like my KnitPicks Option set and my addi Turbos

5. No, I've never tried

6. Famous - no, but fantastic knitters, yes (Nancy aka High Plains Footprints). She taught me to knit socks on two circs

7. I hope to knit an Elizabeth Zimmerman Pi shawl this year.

8. Yes, but I doubt I would ever purchase a pair.

9. Men's size 12 with a 12" cuff. Yikes, that was a LOT of ribbing.

10. Grey with stripes of red, yellow, orange, blue, and navy.
Anonymous said…
Happy, happy birthday, Miss Pie.

My answers are over on my blog. Good questions this week! :-)
Vera said…
Nope – haven’t made enough pairs of socks yet to say.
Top Down
Nope – but I’m going to try it now.
Happy Birthday Miss Pie. I wish I were having pie…instead I will be going to my yoga class.
Only one’s I’ve made have been for me – so average size I guess.
Pretty brown & olive green hand dyed yarn – looks like tiger stripes!
elns said…
#1 Do you have a favorite sock yarn? No, I'm an equal opportunist and I'm completely shallow, is it pretty I ask you? Does it feel good and squishy?
#2 Do you knit top down or toe up? Top Down, I keep threatening toe up, because it felt like a technique I should know ... I'm over that now, though I still want to try 2 at a time.
#3 Have you ever knit a Holiday Stocking? No and I have no plans. I can barely get through a pair without having a tantrum at how long it seems to take me.
#4 Have you tried KnittersPride Karbon needles? YES and they are a good and happy thing, indeed.
#5 Do you knit through the back loop on your gusset pick ups on the first round? I have not, is this the whole round? I do not understand, please tell me more!
#6 Do you know someone famous who knit socks? Negative.
#7 It is Pi Day. This is Miss Pie's designated Birthday. She is 3 now. Will you have Pie today? No unless I eat some pizza, but then I am supposed to go to the gym, so dissuade me of this idea immediately.
#8 Have you seen the see through clogs that show off your handknit socks? Um, no. I'm not sure if I'm okay with this, though I have a friend with a see-through raincoat...
#9 What's the biggest pair of socks you've ever knitted? Man socks size 9, not that crazy I suppose.
#10 What color is your current or last pair of knit socks? Multi-color gray socks. The yarn is from England based on local birds.
Araignee said…
1. Right now I am in love with some Wandering Cat sock yarn that she sent me in the Ride to the Moon colorway. I don't know which cat it is but it's awesome!
2. Top down only. I always modify toe up patterns to top down.
3. No stockings yet. On the bucket list.
4. Yes. I love them!
5. I pick up a center strand from the row below and knit it together with the first stitch on the next needles.
6. Hmm....Lucy of Attic 14 of crochet fame just started knitting socks and now she's a machine.
7. I have a mini apple pie in the oven now. I burned the crust. :(
8. Yes, I love them but they are too $$$$. If I find a pair on clearance they are mine.
9. All men's socks are HUGE. I cast on 64 and knit FOREVER.
10. I've got the Retro Knit Picks socks on the needle now that I LOVE and those awful gray things.
Stefanie said…
1. I've only knitted six pairs of socks. The brand I've used the most is Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock Multi. I really liked that one. I also loved Claudia Hand Painted Yarns Fingering was soft and it has good structure. I loved knitting with Zen Yarn Garden Serenity 20 as it was the first time I've knitted with a cashmere mixed yarn. I also loved knitting with Sock Dream by The Periwinkle Sheep even though I didn't make socks with it.
2. I've knitted mostly top down which came out loose but I have chicken feet. I tried toe up once and it fits my feet wonderfully. I do still wanna give top down another go on 0's.
3. It was my goal to knit one for my husband but I may sew with felt instead.
4. Haven't tried those needles but my 0's are some kind of carbon thingy so well, maybe then.
5. I knit through both loops. I don't feel the back loop will be strong enough.
6. No on knowing a famous sock knitter.
7. No pie today.
8. I've seen some kind of see through shoe for socks but totally not stylish enough for my taste preferences. I'd rather wear jelly shoes.
9. The biggest sock I'll be knitting will probably be for my brother.
10. Current pair is a cerulean blue and the last half pair was red.
Teresa Kasner said…
#1 Do you have a favorite sock yarn? I ONLY KNIT ONE PAIR AND THEY WERE COTTON.
#2 Do you knit top down or toe up? THEY WERE TOP DOWN.
#4 Have you tried KnittersPride Karbon needles? I HAVE A SET OF 5 ARTISAN TWISTED BRONZE SOCK NEEDLES IN #1.
#5 Do you knit through the back loop on your gusset pick ups on the first round? I DOUBT IT. :-)
#6 Do you know someone famous who knit socks? YOU.
#7 It is Pi Day. This is Miss Pie's designated Birthday. She is 3 now. Will you have Pie today? I WISH.
#8 Have you seen the see through clogs that show off your handknit socks? NO.
#9 What's the biggest pair of socks you've ever knitted? 14 INCH LONG CROCHET XMAS STOCKINGS.
#10 What color is your current or last pair of knit socks? SPOTTY ORANGE-Y COTTON SOCKS.
1. I love it all
2. Both I like either method
3. No
4. No I use Knit Picks They are reasonably priced and work very well
5. Aha! Something new to try
6. I can't say that I really no anyone famous....period
7. That's all the excuse I need!
8. Yes! So cool!
9. Sz 11 and I had to have them finished in a couple weeks
10. Denim blue but they are in a time out right now
karen said…
I will stand steadfast with you on your views of top down versus toe up. Amen!
Caffeine Girl said…
Great questions!

1. Opal is best-wearing sock yarn I've encountered, but I love many sock yarns -- as long as they include some nylon.

#2 Always top down. I can't get the hang of the gusset with toe-up.

#3 Being Jewish, I have no need for X-mas stockings, but I love the idea of being done after just one.

#4 No, but I love Knitterspride wood needles.

#5 I had not heard this trick, but I am definitely going to knit through the back loop on the next gusset I knit.

#6 I never met Eleanor Roosevelt, but I believe she knit socks.

#7 No pie. I really need to shed some pounds.

#8 I haven't seen the see-through clogs, but I like the idea.

#9 Standard's men's size are the biggest I've ever knit.

#10 Knitting blue socks as a gift right now.
My current socks are black... just like beautiful Miss Pie!
Delighted Hands said…
I only knit toe up with KnitPicks Stroll or Hawthorne or their superwash roving which I spin and knit. The largest socks I make are for my husband and sons as they wear size 15's-these are 72 stitches f.o.r.e.v.e.r long!
Fun to read all the answers!

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