Lemon Drop

I'm all about yellow suddenly. 
The feather and fan scarf is in  Lemon Drop from Lion Brand.
The color is so cheerful after a long winter!
It is going to block and wear beautifully.
Knit two together is hard on my wrists so I slip and pass the slip stitched over instead.  
See?  I am all about yellow.
I forced our forsythia to bloom this week.
My little Irish vase was a wedding gift years ago from my Godparents.  

Oh Spring I am so happy you are practically here.
Spring ahead this weekend! 
I don't mind losing the hour one bit. 

Do you think it is really here?


Betsy said…
That is a beautiful scarf. I love the yellow color. You are all about the yellow today aren't you? Ha ha! Have a lovely weekend.
Blessings, Betsy
Bridget said…
What a lovely, springy scarf!

I don't know if spring is really here, but I feel like we won't get any more sub-freezing temps at this point.

Have a good weekend!
Tired Teacher said…
Here? Well, I'd say it's getting closer, but I'm sure winter has at least one more snow storm in his bag of tricks.
karen said…
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!!! that is my kind of yellow!!
Vera said…
Pretty...so pretty...makes me think of Donovan and Mello Yellow. We've been in the 70's and near 80 all week. Supposed to be a little cooler this weekend but I don't think we will see snow again until next winter.
Caffeine Girl said…
This is spring-ahead weekend? I do hate that! Maybe it won't be so bad after I retire.
I have really come to love yellow, too. I think it was yarn that got my interest.
elns said…
The feather and fan looks great and YES! It totally matches your flowers. You are a ray of sunshine and sweet as lemon drops yourself Kathy B. Thanks for being another reason I remember the good in the world.
Linda said…
Is this the Sock Ease yarn? Are you finding it scratchy? It feels that way to me in the store - but I've never tried knitting with it yet...

Linda in VA
Stefanie said…
I'm still rooting for rain as CA terribly needs it. But lots of trees and flowers blossoming around town here. This yarn totally emulates your flowers. Neat-o.
Teresa Kasner said…
Love your yellow knit and forsythia. Yep, Spring is here already.. it surely is almost to you. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Judy S. said…
Lemons drops, yum! I love forsythia, too, and daffodils; they sure brighten up the gray skies. There's lots of pink around here as well. Spring is coming soon! Hurrah!
Araignee said…
It is pretty after all! You really know how to bring out the best in it!
That's a very happy yarn, and matches the forsythia perfectly!
Unknown said…
Lovely! My daffodils and the buds on my crape myrtles say, yes, spring is here!
Delighted Hands said…
I used to love the forsythia bushes in my yard but they don't grow in FL. When I was little, I thought they were just 'for' me...'cynthia' . lol
Beautiful vase; what a treasure!
Spring has definately sprung here! We had to mow the lawn already! But then we really don't have a true winter here and that's just fine with me. I love your yellow scarf!!! It's gorgeous! I love the feather and fan pattern but for some reason it gives me trouble. Not sure what I'm doing wrong but yours looks very pretty!
KSD said…
You just can't beat Feather and Fan. I know most yarn snobs eschew it, but I think Lion makes some lovely yarns.
Anonymous said…
Here in Florida it really is! I don't think I've seen a prettier day than today. The breeze is blowing cool and it's sunny!

I love that yellow feather and fan! That is going to be just the thing to brighten up a grey day!

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