All In

 This is how I keep my powdered sugar and oats.
We go through creamer for our coffee quickly. 
Pretty sure I saw this on pinterest. 
Clean out the containers and they make great containers that stay upright and do not take up lots of fridge space. 
They don't spill out either.  
Dear St. Francis got a fresh coat of paint yesterday. 
His head survived the neighbor fence incidents. 
I moved him, although I loved his old spot. 
He is a quiet presence in the yard. 
Do you have an angel? St Francis or garden guest?

Here's the start of my THIN ICE shawl. 
This Louisa Harding yarn is so pretty and nice to work with. 
I've seen many done is a single colorway on Ravelry but I knew I'd need to knit with some colors for variety.  
It is really helpful to me to read about others who have knitted a project on ravelry before I buy the pattern. 
I try to read some of their issues or successes before I go all in. 

Now I'm all in. 


I have G'Nomeo. I was considering in giving him a refresh, but I'm thinking I'll wait until next year.
Linda said…
I do the same thing - I read almost all the comments - and look at what yarns they used - what they might have changed - issues they found. And then I decide whether to buy or not!!

Linda in VA
Linda said…
I do have a small garden angel out in the yard - holding a little bird... I can see it from my kitchen window and it always makes me smile and brings me a peaceful moment...

Linda in VA
Tired Teacher said…
I read the pattern comments, too, and found them very helpful.

Love the start of Thin Ice - happy knitting.
Araignee said…
I do the same thing. I troll ravelry for any advice before I start a pattern. It really saves time. That shawl is going to be spectacular!
I have a stupid gnome outside hidden in the plants that The Mister brought home and some really old vintage cement critters that belonged to my great, greats. You can hardly tell what they are anymore but I love them.
susan said…
The beginnings of your Thin Ice Shawl look lovely. Great colors.
I don't have any statues outside, but I think I may add a little something this year. Not sure what I'd like yet.
Teresa Kasner said…
Love how your shawl is starting. We have 4 garden statues. A Buddha, a Chinese Soldier, a Art Nouveaux Lady and a Japanese Lantern. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
karen said…
I have a blessed Mary statue (concrete) who unfortunately was knocked over shortly after I purchased her and was beheaded. My husband glued her back together and now she is somewhere safe in the yard. Phew.

I'd like a st francis one, he is one of my favorite saints!
KSD said…
The colors in that yarn are spectacular; bet the shawl will be a beauty.

There are two lions on the steps to our front porch. Do they count?
Janet said…
Love the beginning of your shawl and the colors. Ravelry has a wealth of information. I spend some time skimming through other knitters' projects too. It can save time and headaches in the long-run.
Betsy said…
I have several statues in my garden too. When I put them out in the spring it means the warm weather is finally here to stay! Love the beginnings of your shawl. The colors are beautiful. I always read the project comments on Ravelry before downloading a pattern.
elns said…
I love re-purposing containers and jars. leak proof and spill proof are ze best! I love that you keep Saint Francis looking spiffy. He's not just a decoration, you really care about him. The Louisa Harding was an excellent choice for that pattern, it's knitting up very nicely. Lots of pretty fun color!
Gracie Saylor said…
I have three garden cherubs that were gifted to me...they are hanging out together hiding a pipe at the moment. Ravelry recently helped me find a crocheted baby baseball cap pattern...for free! Your new shawl is stunning so far, and your storage containers are very clever. I repurposed some gallon glass pickle jars for canisters that have held everything from flour to little balls of leftover cotton yarn.
I have a bunny and a chipmunk in the yard and I love that yarn! So pretty!
Delighted Hands said…
Love the shawl in that yarn! Very pretty and will keep you a good knitting place!

I have painted bowling balls.......and rocks that we have collected on our trips.
Judy S. said…
Love your shawl! We have lots of fairies in our yard and some solar lights. (And at the moment lots of work waiting!)
Meredith said…
I have a little statue of a squirrel in my yard, I bought it when Max and this squirrel that lived in our big tree used to torment each other, well the squirrel really tormented Max. That shawl is going to be perfect.

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