What I've Learned

This is my sweater so far. 
The front is one color the back another.

It is flying along because of the thick yarn.

I decided to refresh my Ravelry project page yesterday.
Boy I knit for S_it  in 2014 before I retired. 

There were so few successes and major yarn/pattern combination errors.

I learned though. 
The hard way, the way most of us learn.

I had some good knits thanks to the TRAP pattern. 
I also have knit more socks than I thought. 

Socks mean success ....almost always for me.
Just because I've done so many. 

I actually got a hole in a sock that I knit over 5 years ago, yesterday.
I was overjoyed.
Time to knit another pair! 

As for the color block sweater, I found only two others on Ravelry that have made it.   One really suggested it is too short and she added several inches. Thanks to her, I was thinking the same thing.

I still have live stitches on both sides so it should be easy to add a few inches. 

I'd summary MY own learning this way:

While I adore wool to knit with, few of my pals want anything that Itches.  I am very wool sensitive. 

So my wool purchases are for socks.  
I can get my wool thrill there, over and over and over again.

All scarves and cowls need to be cotton. 

Cashmere works for hats....

Blankets can be a washable wool. My blue jeans protect me from the itchy wool.  

Sweaters in cotton DONT work. 
I found the thick and quick wool/blend and Im just hoping a thick t shirt under the sweater will be perfect.

I held it up to my neck for a good long while before I bought it. 

I never stop loving this knitting stuff


Unknown said…
Way to go on knitting the sweater!! I know it's a big project and takes a lot more time...but keep on going!
Teresa Kasner said…
I'm so happy for you that you're enjoying your retirement so much - with all the extra time to do what you love.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Learning is good. When I look back at some my older projects it's like... "What was i thinking?"
Delighted Hands said…
This is looking good! Sweaters are a challenge-I knit for others but rarely adore a sweater I have knit for myself- I'd say 50-50% I would need to research and see why. Socks, mitts and hats make my heart sing so I do them the most! Oh, and baby sweaters! Delightful!
Betsy said…
Your sweater is looking beautiful. I remember when I retired about seven years ago. I thought, what will I do with all of this extra time? Now I find I need more time in the day. Ha ha! I seem to fill all of those minutes and hours just fine.
Blessings, Betsy
KSD said…
The things that are possible with two sticks and a length of string!

The sweater looks amazing; I really like the pattern(s) at the bottom.
Judy S. said…
Your sweater is coming along nicely! I usually get bogged down on the sleeves and have a couple of UFOs I should attack.
Araignee said…
Pretty!! That's a lovely texture on that sweater.
Stefanie said…
Good reflections here. This sweater will be interesting with its front and back in different colors. Cotton is so hard to knit with. I've crocheted with a cotton and acrylic blend by Knit Picks; that wasn't so bad. I love how you go for cashmere for hats.
Alyssa said…
I've found that superwash wool doesn't itch for me! Have you tried that?
Tired Teacher said…
Isn't it amazing how much more you can accomplished in retirement!
Anonymous said…
I don't think I could EVER quit knitting.
Unknown said…
Me neither. I'm sure quitting knitting would be akin to quitting breathing!
Donna said…
That's the nice part of knitting with thick yarn - it goes quick! Have you tried alpaca yarn? Most alpaca is pretty soft and not itchy.
karen said…
love that sweater!!! I agree with Donna alpaca is quite nice and soft and not itchy at least for me.
Meredith said…
The thing about knitting is it keeps us humble, there is always so much to learn.
Hugs to you Kathy,

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