Ten Questions Meme

Well, I don't knit that speedy, but I had one fingerless almost finished and sitting in the whenever pile.
Then My friend needed another pair.
She'll love these.
No Pattern again.

Used great wool from the Wisconsin Sheep and Wool Festival last year. 
So I only had one and a half mitts to make. 

Answer any if you wish: 

1. Favorite way to show your Holiday cards off?

2. Music solo:  Piano or violin or guitar?

3. Fingerless or mittens?

4. Tinsel or garland?

5. Ham or Turkey?

6. Snowman or Santa?

7. Brunch or Dinner?

8. Wrapping paper or gift bags?

9. Placemats or tablecloth?

10. Candles or fire in the fireplace?



Katherine said…
My favorite way to show off cards is on a garland strung across the entertainment cabinet. I had to laugh about the rest of the list because I found myself saying both, both, both to each item on the list. No wonder I'm tired when Christmas is over! Fun post Kathy!
Teresa Kasner said…
I tape all our cards over the archway into the living room.
Candles AND a fire in the fireplace.

*M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*

((hugs)), Teresa :-)
elns said…
Hi Kathy!
1. I tape them around the doorway between the hall and the living room.
2. I think my big thing with a musical solo, is that it doesn't go on too long, no matter what the instrument is.
3. I am a fingerless girl all the way. a) we don't have super cold weather here b) my fingers are always busy!! c) easier/faster to knit.
4. This year tinsel. I do like to parade around in sparkly garland and pretend it's a boa ha!
5. Turkey unless it's in a breakfast sammy.
6. Snowman
7. D I N N E R
8. Begrudgingly wrapping paper, even though I'm horrible at wrapping.
9. I don't know.
10. I like fires, but we don't have a functioning fireplace.

thanks, that was fun!
Stefanie said…
1. I think last Christmas or so I taped the cards to long, wide ribbons and taped them up on the fireplace mirror.
2. I'm partial to the piano as I used to play it for a couple of years.
3. Fingerless; I need to be able to grasp things easily.
4. I think neither; my mum used to put a garland around the tree tho.
5. Either; we usually eat turkey though and I'm making one for the 24th this year.
6. I go for Santa since we don't get snow here.
7. Brunch; I do love my eggs but that wouldn't stop us from having brinner.
8. Gift wrap, but it can be hard to find boxes to wrap when it's not Christmas.
9. Probably tablecloth; we used to use table mats tho.
10. Fireplace fire. We need to test out our electric fireplace soon.
These were fun to answer! Thanks for the fun.
Betsy said…
1. Strung on a garland in the living room.
2. Piano.
3. Mittens
4. Both
5. Ham
6. Snowman
7. Inner
8. Both
9. Tablecloth
10. Both!

Merry Christmas!
Linda said…
1. On the door in my kitchen (the door leads to the garage). I try to shape them into a tree shape - doesn't always work!
2. Piano
3. mittens
4. garland
5. neither really
6. both - especially primitive ones
7. brunch
8. wrapping paper
9. tablecloth
10. candles (all year round actually) - and I have lights in my fireplace that are supposed to be Halloween lights) - but they sort of look like a fire if you pretend! I turn that on every night!

Linda in VA
kathy b said…
OH I forgot to give my answers. Ha.
1. I stick my cards on my Kitchen wall behind a iron strip
2. Guitar
3. Fingerless
4. Tinsel Baby Tank's name at the shelter was also Tinsel
5. Turkey with gravy please
6. Santa
7. Dinner ..always
8. Bags..Im a bad wrapper
9. Place mats
10. Fire and candles!
Tired Teacher said…
1. Card holder my sister made for me.
2. Piano - more relaxing, but violin or guitar can be lovely, too.
3. Mitts
4. Garland and glass icicles
5. Turkey
6. Snowmen because they can be display ALL winter
7. Dinner
8. Wrapping paper - it's more personal
9. Placemats unless it's a formal dinner then tablecloth
10. Candles because I only have a video fireplace
Too many choices!!! No good with too much choice! Fire in the fireplace though and lots of candles other places! xx
Anonymous said…
Those mitts look pretty snuggly.

1. Favorite way to show your Holiday cards off? In a basket on the kitchen counter.

2. Music solo: Piano or violin or guitar? Violin

3. Fingerless or mittens? Mittens --- it's always my fingertips that get cold.

4. Tinsel or garland? Neither one --- used to be tinsel before the advent of kitty cat.

5. Ham or Turkey? Turkey.

6. Snowman or Santa? Snowman.

7. Brunch or Dinner? Dinner.

8. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper @ Christmas. Gift bags any other time.

9. Placemats or tablecloth? Placemats in the kitchen. Table cloth in the dining room.

10. Candles or fire in the fireplace? Fireplace ....do not like scented candles anymore.
Araignee said…
Cards go on top the kitchen cabinets. I loved YOURS, you clever girl. Thanks!!!!
Piano, fingerless, no meat, snowman, dinner, gift bags, tablecloth, fire AND candles. I need both. I also confess to streaming the Netflix fireplace. For real. My whole house is aflame all winter.
Delighted Hands said…
1. Hang them on the side of my fridge which is open to the room.
2. Piano
3. Fingerless
4. Tinsel
5. Ham
6. Snowman
7. Dinner
8. Wrapping paper
9. Tablecloth
10. Both Candles and fire in the fireplace

Fun post!
1. Favorite way to show your Holiday cards off? On a string across the archway

2. Music solo: Piano or violin or guitar? Guitar (Dave's fault)

3. Fingerless or mittens? Can I have both... a convertible pair?

4. Tinsel or garland? Garland

5. Ham or Turkey? Turkey all the way

6. Snowman or Santa? Both!

7. Brunch or Dinner? Both!

8. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper!

9. Placemats or tablecloth? Both!

10. Candles or fire in the fireplace? Both!
karen said…

1. Favorite way to show your Holiday cards off? in a card stand

2. Music solo: Piano or violin or guitar? piano

3. Fingerless or mittens? both

4. Tinsel or garland? neither

5. Ham or Turkey? turkey

6. Snowman or Santa? both

7. Brunch or Dinner? dinner

8. Wrapping paper or gift bags? gift bags!!

9. Placemats or tablecloth? both

10. Candles or fire in the fireplace? neither....

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